To insulting  & ignorant to answer such a querry on a # of  grounds 
& the title is Col. I take little credit for  the title for the senate was 
democratic at the confirmation of myself.
 I assure U I read & write however. 
But more important I assure U never lost a valued  soldier save for 
 A soldier hates war the most of all for they experienced  it.
In a message dated 5/6/2009 12:04:17 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Sergeant Leeds?  .... why is a  warmonger like you interested in an extreme 
pacififist environmentalist like  Ron Paul? 
--- In _fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com_ 
( ,  wle...@... wrote:
> ____________________________________
>  From:  no-re...@...
> To: wle...@...
> Sent: 5/5/2009  7:09:10 P.M.  Eastern Daylight Time
> Subj: Ron Paul Revolution Sweeping the   GOP
> May 5, 2009
> Dear Friend of Liberty,
> With each  passing  day, Ron Paul is winning people over to the cause of 
>  Federal Reserve  transparency and sound money.
> More and  more Congressmen have been  signing onto Dr. Paul’s Audit 
the Fed  
> bill, HR 1207, and it is now up to a  whopping 124 cosponsors.  
> That cosponsor list now includes over half of  the  House Republican 
>  Dr. Paul is truly leading  the  GOP back to its roots of sound money and 
> fiscal conservatism.
> In  fact, The Washington Independent’s David Weigel just wrote  an 
>  article about how Ron Paul’s message is  resonating with Republican  
> lawmakers.  All I can say is,  "It's about time!" 
> _Click  here to read the article -- “Ron  Paul's Economic Theories 
> GOP  Converts”_ 
 )  .
> And today, Dr. Paul proved the case for  Federal  Reserve transparency to 
> people across America by _grilling  Ben  Bernanke on national television_ 
>  286178279D4827F) .
> Chairman Ben is running scared now that HR 1207 is  gaining  steam.  He 
> tried to appease Dr. Paul by  offering transparency  on everything except 
> monetary policy --  the Fed's sole function! 
> It is  clear we are winning  this fight, and I believe that ultimately we 
> will  see it  through to victory.  But this is no time to rest on our   
> Keep writing and calling your congressman if he has  not  already 
> cosponsored HR 1207 (_click  here to find out_  
 )  ).  Circulate 
> more petitions and Audit the Fed  literature  to your friends and 
neighbors to 
> recruit them to this winning   effort.
> Thank you for all you have done and all you  will  do.  With your 
> support, Ron Paul and  Campaign for Liberty  will return the GOP to its 
> conservative  roots, and America back to its  founding principles.
> In  Liberty,
> John Tate
> President, Campaign for  Liberty
> P.S. Unlike  the Fed, Campaign for Liberty  cannot print money out of 
> air.  Only your ongoing  financial support allows us to do the work  we 
>  _Please  click here to donate to Campaign for Liberty_ 
>   . 
> To  unsubscribe from future Campaign for Liberty e-mails,  _click  here_ 
>  _eemail=wle...@...&_mh=5012f4c1a9b4a2caa1cd56f9392c5199_ 
(mailto:eemail=wle...@...&_mh=5012f4c1a9b4a2caa1cd56f9392c5199) )  .
> You were added  to our system on October 18, 2008.  For  more 
> _click  here_ 
5056877a1fe8fe3) )  .
>  (_ ( ) 
> **************Remember Mom this Mother's Day! Find a florist  near you 
( )

**************Remember Mom this Mother's Day! Find a florist near you now. 

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