--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On May 19, 2009, at 8:49 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > On May 19, 2009, at 5:23 PM, Vaj wrote:
> > >
> > >>
> > >>>> On May 19, 2009, at 12:05 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:
> > >>>>

> > >>>>> http://www.mum.edu/admin/faculty.html
> <http://www.mum.edu/admin/faculty.html>
> > >>>>
> > >>>> What a bunch of uptight-looking
> > >>>> old farts!
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> Who does Prof. David Fisher look like to you?
> > >
> > > I don't know...who?
> > >
> > >>> Why does this meme keep recurring?
> > >
> > > I give up...why?
> >
> > Well, if you recognize reincarnation or some sort of conservation of
> > energy going down at the level of consciousness, you have to wonder if
> > some part of you is going to "recycle". If you recycle across time,
> > then others recycle across time. If that mass cross-recycling really
> > is occurring, even only perceptually, it is a radically different way-
> > of-seeing than the surface of life might reveal. What sort of web does
> > it weave? (Otherwise we're just biological units that 'fail' sooner or
> > later and stop 'experiencing"). If you've already died, while living,
> > you recognize this already is a realty (samadhi is death from a
> > certain perspective).
> >
> > So the implication is "what is it about the TM org that has, by self-
> > admission alone, reincarnated so many former Nazis as their
> > followers?" Given the previously gossiped about here rumors of MMY
> > talking favorably on Hitler, some dressing up in Nazi garb--as the
> > French say--tends to make one 'think ferociously'.
> >
> > I suspect I probably gave more of an answer than you were looking
> > for. :-)
> >
> This shows Vaj for what he really is... an arrogant and hate-filled 
> person. David Fischer is one of the most sweet, intelligent, humble,
> self-sufficient, and honest people you could ever meet. He is loved by
> his students for his honesty, down to earth attitude, jhumility, and
> sheer love of life over wealth or power.
> You, Vaj, are a small minded judgemental fool by comparison. You are as
> far from a Buddhist or spiritual person as anyone that has ever
> expressed themselves in public. Your world will disappear into obscurity
> and Professor Fischer will be remembered.
> Professor Fischer is a qualified and honest man of integrity and has a
> stronger skeptical bent on all things than a fool like you could ever
> achieve. Your prejudice and small minded arrogance arose to the full
> here. It is pathertic that people on FFL treat you like their equal and
> converse with you. What's hilarious is your world of prejudice is
> leaving you in a world of loneliness and irrelevance faster than you can
> grasp onto the straws of hatred that you so cling to.. so much so, that
> you are becoming less relevant and more alone than even the Republicans
> you despise so much.
> What a disgusting and hate ridden person you are.
> I am asking people to stand up and support me on this. If not, I will
> unsubscribe permenantly from FFL, and you have made your choice to keep
> the retard Vaj here with you ... and I will leave. You fools will laugh
> now, and support Vaj, but later will feel the void that he is bringing
> into your world here, and then, in time, you will unsubscribe also.
> I've never seen such ignorance expressed as in this recent post by Vaj.
> I am disgusted in Vaj and you people that give hima ny attentoin
> whatsoever. If you respomd to any post by Vaj after this, you know that
> you are only fueling the ignorance that he brings to the table. You are
> complicit in spreading ignorance.
> OffWorld
Hey OffWorld:
How are you? I'm fine...
Listen, I was bringing up this Nazi thing, from my own personal experience, and 
from my feelings with certain people, I have met through life, and people in 
the movement...
I've always had a problem with Bevan, and feel he has not been a good influence 
on the movement, and is instead into the power thing.
I had a friend, at MIU, who I also associate with a past time, who would fall 
into the former Nazi category, and who caused me great distress in this 

Not everyone in the movement is working out this thing, that I mention.
Some, went a completely different path, in the past, and they would have 
completely different Karma, and not even understand, what I am talking about, 
and that's a good thing...
But, if you have Karma to work out, associated with attaining power, 
manipulation or other things 'Off the Path'...then it's good to know, where all 
of this would be coming from, so you could release the past, and be healed of 
it...that would be a big reason for reincarnating in this lifetime, to heal 
eons of past history...

I am sure that Maharishi knew, when someone who was close to him, had a past 
life which would not be so glorious...
But, at the same time, he would view the soul's intention, to evolve and to be 
loyal to him...
Above all, I believe Maharishi was one of those people who valued loyalty above 
anything...as was his way of Being with Guru Dev...

So, whatever Bevan's motivations are, I am sure that Maharishi could see in 
him, the willingness to be completely loyal to him, through time...
I was comparing this tendency to the one, I read about in the bio of Joseph 
Goebbels, and his extreme loyalty to Der Fuhrer, as well as his mastery of 
propaganda and manipulation and willingness to do anything to please the 

So, there is a theme, in the movement, of a sort of 'Master Race' and Utopian 
vision, that would be a motivator for one's who had followed a similar path 

But, I agree with you...it's not so much because someone has a mustache, that 
looks similar...that's not the thing...
The thing is felt on a soul level, where one met this person, last time around, 
and the feeling you get around the person...
I don't get any kind of negative of controllng feeling from this guy, David, 
that you mention...I don't know him personally, but from his picture, I feel he 
is the 'Good Guy', you say he is...

Perhaps you don't have to take this personally OffWorld, but I like your spunk!

Just got to take it to Broadway, someday!

Because if I can make it there, I can make it anywhere...it's up to you, New 
York, New York....


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