On May 20, 2009, at 2:03 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:

On May 19, 2009, at 8:57 PM, authfriend wrote:

It's not just the TMO, either. This is serious, folks!



OK, I gotta admit, this is seriously funny, folks.

Vaj, I think you're going out on a truly dumb limb here,
not that there's anything wrong with that, of course...(ahem)


You miss the humor.

I guess I did!
He was going on so much,
seemingly sincerely, that I took
him at what I perceived to be a
sincere tone.

The person who throws
around the phrase "irony impaired" does not
realize how completely she has been owned.

All that Vaj had to do was suggest (without
even putting it into words) a resemblance
between one photo of an MUM faculty member
and Hitler, and the "Gotta defend TM and
the TMO at any cost" troops rally for battle
and write post after post attacking Vaj.

FWIW, I've only seen two of Judy's so far,
and both those were pretty funny, a lot
funnier than Vaj's, I'd say, if he really
was trying for irony.

The fascinating thing is that although I
think we all know by now that ed11 doesn't
have the brain power to do anything *but*
play "pile on," the person who started the
reactionary "Vaj is an idiot for suggesting
this" campaign is the person who claims
NOT to be a TM True Believer.

I don't get ED's posts.

And yet...

All that Vaj has to do is make one silly
comment about a superficial resemblance,
and out she dances like one of Reverend
Gene Scott's wind-up monkeys, right on cue,
playing "Gotta demonize the anti-TMer."

Well, it was actually quite a bit more than
one silly comment, it was several
paragraphs, actually.

You could be right, Barry.
But it's my impression that
Vaj takes himself pretty seriously
on all this stuff.

 that she thinks *she's* the
one in charge, and is "winning."

What *IS* it about long-term TMers that
they are unable to notice trends in their
own behavior that everyone around them
notices? Maybe they can "spin" it as "Being
in the moment." Call me a cynic, but I'm
going to characterize it as "Having been
taught to ignore the lessons of the past
for so long by Maharishi, and having seen
him get away with pretending that most of
his ideas and great schemes did NOT turn
out to be monumental failures, we can
follow his lead and do the same. We can
claim to NOT be knee-jerk TM apologists
while knee-jerking compulsively to every
perceived slight against TM and Maharishi
and the TMO."

And the bottom line is that Vaj scores again,
luring the TBs into a demonization posting
frenzy, all because they seem to lack the
ability to remember the *last* demonization
posting frenzy, and the one before that, and
the one before that. And that only takes us
back to a couple of days ago.  :-)

In Vaj's favor, he's obviously the master at
luring TM TBs into "posting out" over one
comment that could not have *possibly* been
more of a troll. On the other hand, the TM TBs
themselves seem to have so little self-awareness
and short-term memory that it's a little like
playing hide and seek with blind people.



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