--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> Just calling it like I see it, Bub. I didn't marry the
> guy so I get to enjoy the view from the captains deck
> that pilots the ship of state and warn of approaching
> disaster. Guys like you are still on the poop deck drunk
> on Cool Aid and twisting in the wind of Obama's sea
> change on policies that matter to you like, FISA and
> Habeas Corpus.

"Barack Obama spoke for an hour in FF this morning.
I found him very inspiring. I got a chance to ask 
a question:...what he would do to repair the
constitutional erosion that had occurred under
Bush/Cheney. He answered that...if he became
president, his first move would be to call in his
attorney general and have him/her review everything
Bush has done in light of its impact on the 
Constitution. He would then reverse every decision 
which had eroded it. (Obama taught constitutional 
law for 10 years.)"

--Rick Archer, Nov. 8, 2007 (#153957)

> It's up to the adults who pay attention to details
> to provide an intervention and point out that you
> are too emotionally involved with him to see that
> political expediency is not leadership or that his
> pretty words do not match his policies. Stop
> getting high on what his says and start watching
> what it does.

"...Barely four months into his presidency, Obama is
confronting growing dissatisfaction among members
of his liberal base, who feel spurned by a series
of his early decisions on issues ranging from guns
to torture to immigration to gay rights. 

"The list got longer last week as Obama reversed his
earlier decision to release photos of detainees
abused in U.S. military custody and announced plans
to try some terror suspects before military
commissions – though on the campaign trail he railed
against earlier versions of the tribunals. 

"A few, like MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, have even hurled
the left's ultimate epithet – suggesting that Obama's
turning into George W. Bush...."

Read more: "Some on left souring on Obama":



And golly gee, it appears they aren't all Hillary

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