--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> <snip>
> > If you *weren't* Hillarybots In Denial, WHY 
> > would you be so defensive?
> > 
> > For example, try to find a post in which I 
> > (whom you both characterize as an "Obamanaut"
> > have *ever* reacted self-defensively to criti-
> > cism of Obama.
> If Barry isn't an Obamanaut in denial, why is he
> being so defensive?
> > I doubt you'll be able to find one (although the
> > thought of Judy spending hours trying brings a
> > smile to my lips).
> No need. Barry handed me one on a silver platter
> in the very same post in which he accuses *us* of
> being defensive.


This is clearly the TM version of the phrase
that race bigots who use it don't realize is 
as offensive as their mindset is: "That's 
white of you."

Knowing that she would be *unable* to find 
any posts in which I responded self-defensively
to criticism of Obama, Judy suggests that me
stating the fact that she can't find one is a 
defense of self.

That's TM of you, Judy.


Bottom line is that she *can't* find such a
post. I don't really CARE what users of Hillary
Dildos(tm) or anyone else thinks about Obama.
What they think of him does not affect me in
the least.

But the moment anyone suggests that she and
Raunchydog care VERY MUCH when someone 
suggests that their *ongoing* ragging on Obama
is based more on being in-the-closet Hillary
fangirls than it is rationality, they *have*
to "defend themselves." 

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
-- William Shakespeare, who wrote so eloquently
about Hillary Clinton during her incarnation as 
Lady Macbeth

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