It's just a ride wrote:
> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Rick Archer <> wrote:
>>  A friend of mine brought his elderly parents to India because they
>> couldn't afford to live in the US. They lived like kings on $2000/month.:
> Reading that article kept bringing to mind the thought that since India is
> so cheap, why not use it as a place to bring Heaven on Earth?
> We could get a bunch of Brahmin kids and teach them to do TM and the TM
> Sidhis and they could do program together in, say 25,000 at a time.  And we
> could train them in the Vedas.  Memorization and recitation.  We could teach
> them how to do yagyas and have thousands of them do yagyas for world peace
> every day.
> It's an idea that can't fail.
> What do you think?

IOW, "pundits?"  :-D

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