I agree too.  I went in 1996 for three weeks.   More like putting my toe 
in the pool rather than taking a headlong dive and it was with a really 
small tour so we got to adjust it to our liking.  I could probably live 
there and in fact for a while my guru was hot on the idea of buying a 
small modern cottage outside of Hardwar because his guru was going to do 
that and I could do it too (for $5K).   But that idea never 
materialized.  Also the whole area is so unstable you're more likely to 
see nukes flying overhead than about anyplace else.   But I'd be up for 
some more visits sometime.   The funny thing was the last time my guru 
returned he came back early and when I asked why he said "too hot!"  
IOW, he had become acclimated to this part of California and could no 
longer take the excessive heat of Calcutta in this case. :-D

Mike Dixon wrote:
> Kuldip....whut up dude? I think we are both on the same page about India. 
> Just not a place too many western born people could just up and move to and 
> live the rest of their lives well. That's why I suggested to visit for a 
> couple or three weeks first and then really think about it... a long time.< 
> What I find interesting is how much India changed from the first time I went 
> there, '73 and the last time in '96. Paradise lost!< In 1973 there were fewer 
> western influences, with the exception of what the British left behind, and 
> the people seemed so much happier and friendlier, even though, they  were 
> very poor and lived very simple lives. The only unpleasant thing I remember 
> was everybody cooked on cow dung stoves and you would cough to death at super 
> time.< But 96 was a different story. The population had doubled and I don't 
> think anybody had swept the streets since I was last there! The once white 
> buildings were caked with soot and plastered with layers
>  of Bollywood posters and every person I looked in the eye, I saw great big 
> $'s in their eyes, Cha Ching! I was a westerner and for I all they knew, I 
> was Bill Gates! But, I have to admit , I met a lot of very nice people and 
> some very special ones to!
> --- On Sat, 5/23/09, kuldip jhala <kulls2...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> From: kuldip jhala <kulls2...@yahoo.co.in>
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] India
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Saturday, May 23, 2009, 12:54 AM

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