--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "emptybill" <emptyb...@...>
> SSRS has been clear that bija mantras dissolve
> into pranava (om) at the finest level. He called it
> the merging point of the tri-veni. Tri-veni is the
> confluence zone of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati
> rivers. He explained it as the mythographic symbol
> for the merging of the three nadi-s - ida, pingala and
> sushumna at ajna chakra.
> Some years ago I received mantra-diksha from him
> which included the pranava. Remembering the barking
> dogs of the tmo, I discussed this with a sankhya-yoga
> scholar who is a long time student of SSRS. He pointed
> out that MMY did not want the pranava practiced in a
> bare manner since it brought intense reversal of the pranas
> (nivritti) and severance from material and sensorial affections
> - all good for renunciates but an utter disaster for householders.
> He pointed out that front loading a dhyana bija-mantra with
> pranava was in perfect accord with the tradition and that
> SSRS was a mahapandita who gave it to those he thought
> could benefit from using it.
> To paraphrase forrest gump's guru - a mantra is as
> a mantra does. All this yada yada about meaning or
> its absence in mantras overlooks this simple fact. The
> meditation mantras of tm-sahaj are not used for their
> meaning but for their perceptual sound value. To
> contemplate mantras for their meaning is
> dhyana-bhaavana. Tantrika-s contemplate their mantras
> because their meditation-contemplation yoga is an
> amplified form of deity puja (antaryaga).>>

Nice explanation.
However, obviously for millioms to TM'rs this has not been a disaster
for householders.


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