Doc, are you saying that most of these True blue Believers just parrot TM 
Jargon and buzzwords without really understanding it's meaning and it's 

      I too got that impression when I interacted with people in the 

--- On Thu, 4/23/09, Peter <> wrote:
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 4:19 AM

This clip always blows my mind. At least David does his sincere best to recover 
the situation. Raga E is the shocking aspect. Here is a man so intellectually 
bankrupt that he can't even explain the concepts he's talking about beyond 
slogans and buzzwords. It appears that he isn't even aware of how he comes 
across as a total fool. How far gone do you have to be not to be aware of your 
impact on others?



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