--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Did he really make the comment, "I wish Hillary
> > were younger, taller, and male..." or something
> > to that effect?  When I  first heard it, I thought
> > "This has got to be a joke." And I'm still not sure.
> > Did Bill really say that?
> After her Iowa loss, he said, "I can't make Hillary
> younger, taller, and male."
> And no, Sal, it wasn't a joke, he was dead serious.
This is where Billy Bob fell off the ladder...
He wanted it too much...
He would sell his soul for it...

He objectifies her, like he does all women, in his life...
Like he has the power to do any of those things..?
Who is he, God?
I don't think so...
It was a perfect example of Billy Bob gone mad!
What a joke.
He had Hillary under his hypnotic spell, like he had us all...
Him and his castrating friend, Jesse (I want to cut off your balls) Jackson...
What a joke.
I'm glad Hillary has a chance to take a break from Billy Bob, and walk by 
herself for a while in a dignified way, instead of the smirky way they walk 

Flash/back to the WH, after the Monica Lewinski scandal....
'Bill', she says to him, 'I need to get laid more than twice a year'...
The next time you get caught with one of your Bimbos, I'm not coming to your 
rescue this time! I swear I'm not''..

Well, hon, you came to my rescue, so many times, I done lost count...
But, listen, hon, you just hang in there with old Billy Bob, and someday, I 
swear to you hon, I'm gonna make you the first bitch president of these United 
Just hang in there, hon...

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