It's now summer here in Sitges, even if the rest
of you have to wait until the Solstice for it to
be official in your part of the world. The skies
are blue, the sun is out, and it's starting to
get not just comfortably warm, but occasionally
uncomfortably hot. The tourists are starting to
arrive in droves.

Unfortunately, so are the mosquitoes. Comes with
having a big garden and liking to keep my patio
doors open during the day to feel the breeze. The 
little bastards sneak in during the day and like 
to try to torment me during the night. I'll be 
in bed, just about to drop off into sleep, and 
I'll hear this BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ as one of them
dive-bombs my head. 

I spent some time in "defend myself" mode, cruis-
ing the house with a flyswatter before going to
sleep, but it never helped. They just hid; they're
that smart. So I wound up taking the opposite 
approach with them. I started dropping garlic 
tablets before bedtime and spraying myself with 
an herbal mosquito repellent. Works like a charm;
I haven't been bitten since. 

The mosquitoes understand that they can no longer
actually land on me and feed, and it makes them
CRAZY. They persist in dive-bombing my head while
I'm sleeping, trying to disturb my peace of mind.
But they don't. I've learned to ignore them as
the petty pissants they are.

There is a similar situation here on Fairfield Life.

A number of posters on this forum -- like mosquitoes
-- seem to feed off of the other posters. Whereas
the mosquitoes are *needy* and must suck blood to 
live, the mosquito-posters on FFL are equally needy,
but suck attention. They live to force their way
into other posters' attention and get them to focus
on them. These mosquito-posters don't seem to care
what the nature of the attention is; be it positive
or negative, it doesn't matter as long as they're
getting attention. Ignore them, and they keep buzz-
ing past your head, hoping that you'll get up and
chase them with a verbal flyswatter again.

No more. 

I've started taking my metaphorical garlic pills,
and hopefully they'll work as well on these vampires
as they do on the mosquitoes. And yes, I *know* that
they'll keep buzzing me, trying to get my attention.

But I don't have to give it to them.

I've been taking this approach with Willytex for
some time, and it's seemed to work. He rarely even
tries to get my attention any more. It's worked to
some extent on ed11; he/she rarely bothers to buzz
me any more, except to play "pile on" to others'
attempts at buzzing. A good start.

Now comes the real experiment. If I consign Judy 
and Edg to the same genus of bothersome insectae 
and ignore their needy asses and desire to suck 
attention, what will happen? 

My bet is that they'll react just like the Sitges
mosquitoes. They'll redouble their efforts at buzz-
ing me, trying to get me to get up and try to chase 
them with a flyswatter. But if I don't, what will 
they do then? Will they *still* keep buzzing me? 
Will they continue to act so needy even when it 
becomes apparent to everyone on this forum *that* 
all that's being played out is their own neediness?

We'll see. 

A new experiment. Gulp...down the FFL garlic tablets.
Spritz...spray on the herbal mosquito repellent. Now
kick back and wait for the buzzing to begin. And
ignore it if I can. 

They can't bite me and feed on the attention they 
need to survive unless I allow them to. That I know. 
But like the mosquitoes they'll try their best to 
make my life miserable *because* they can no longer 
feed. My only recourse at this point seems to be to 
do what I did with the mosquitoes and ignore their 
needy asses.

P.S. I might still swat at them from time to time,
just for the fun of it, but on my own terms, not
on theirs. It's weak of me I know, but I do the
same thing with the mosquitoes. A big fat one lands
on the wall while I'm sitting on the sofa, and lured
into a sense of complacency since I don't get up
and chase them at night, just sits there thinking
it's safe. Swat. Big bloody smear on the wall, Yes,
I have to get up and clean the wall afterwards, but 
it's worth it.

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