On Jun 1, 2009, at 1:17 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Lurk, do *you* "stay on the line" when the
person on the other end clearly has his dick
out of his pants waving it around and saying,
"Can you match this, bozo?"

I don't know about you, but I tend to get a
little tired of the heavy breathing on the
other end of the line and hang up.  :-)

Then again, I am unimpressed with real academics
in the field of spirituality, and even less so
with "armchair academics" who play "dueling
sources" in what are clearly oneupsmanship ego
games. Your mileage may vary. If it does, I hope
that the "payoff" you're waiting for...uh...
measures up.  :-)

"Hell hath not seen nor heaven created the one
who can prevail against me!"
- Don Quixote, after his windmill escapade

"You gotta know when to hold up,
know when to fold up..."
-Kenny Rogers, probably after
knocking back a few


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