The most interesting thing about the primary season was how the Bush 
administration had so energized the left to rally around Democrats, any 
Democrat. People who were ordinarily not interested in politics and had no long 
term stake in the viability of the Democratic party suddenly hated all things 
Republican. They were all so ready for CHANGE...that ephemeral, not quite 
defined but feel good down to your toes CHANGE. Obama carried the day on that 
simpleminded message with a little, "Yes we can!" thrown in to amp up his 
soaring rhetoric and peddle his messianic message of HOPE. There it is...a few 
simple minded slogans and what do you get? Mass hysteria and devotion to a god 
like empty suit. Oh, how in love, oh, how smitten the newly converted 

The late Tip O'Neill famously stated, "All politics is local." As an aside, 
I'll tell you a story about local Jefferson County politics that illustrates 
how shallow, how devoid of conscience, how clueless, how poorly informed and 
how little Obots care about the Democratic Party and its important role in 
local politics. 

I live in Ward 2, home to MUM, the largest Ward and voting block supporting 
Obama. In a general election, the presidential candidates are on the front of 
the ballot where you can vote for a specific candidate or vote a straight 
ticket, the party of your choice. In Iowa, the candidates for county supervisor 
were on the back of the ballot. 

I campaigned for Hillary but I also campaigned for the two county supervisors 
on the Democratic ticket. In the final analysis of the vote tally, which I 
posted Message #198577 :

"Earl Shepard (D) and Will Richards (D) worked very had to get absentee ballots 
but their bid for county supervisor failed. The moment the town folk realized 
the meditatiors were voting in a block in the June primary for Earl and Will, 
they put up an organized resistance and the Republicans won. So predictable...

Obama's 4998 votes vs. Shepard's 3096 means that 1902 of Obama's
voters who could have voted for Shepard did not. Apparently, they were
only interested in one name on the ticket...Obama and Democrats be

That's right folks. The stupid Obots didn't bother to vote a straight 
Democratic ticket nor did they bother to turn the ballot over and vote for 
county supervisor. Now Jefferson County is stuck with Republican county 
supervisors who recently made a resolution to ban gay marriage in Iowa. 
Assholes, the bunch of them.

So here we on FFLife we have seen several examples of a continuance of the same 
ignorant, newly converted "Obama Democrats" so married to the cult of 
personality, they are either too damn lazy to be informed about Obama screwing 
with their civil liberties of they just don't care, because if they just close 
their eyes and wish real hard for CHANGE, Obama will make it all better. 

Not one person on this forum has the ability to defend Obama on any of the 
issues I have specifically raised and will continue to raise until one day, 
hopefully someone, anyone, will actually say, "Gee, maybe I ought to become 
more informed and hold politicians to account, even Obama."  Fortunately, not 
everyone on the left has abdicated their responsibility to hold Obama to 
account. If Hillary were in office instead of Obama, I can assure you, I would 
hold her to account as well.

Somewhere along the way, maybe it's the dumbing down of education in America or 
the decision to jettison Civics/Government classes from high school 
curriculums, we have lost our sense of responsibility as citizens to be 
informed about the nuts and bolts of good governance from local to national 
politics. Such as it is, IMO it is appalling as well as dangerous to the 
survival of democracy in America. 

Isn't interesting how a few wee facts about Obama's lack of interest in 
restoring civil liberties leaves the Obots at such a loss for words. Stupid is 
as stupid does.

--- In, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >
> > Zinger again! Judy, this post and your previous post
> > for Sal was just too easy. You would think the fish 
> > in the barrel would at least put up a fight and make
> > things more interesting around here by at least
> > offering a fact based discussion about Obama messing
> > with their civil liberties. Truth be told, not only
> > do they lack the intellectual ability for such a
> > discussion, sadly they lack interest as well. Pity,
> > that. It confirms my suspicion their allegiance to
> > the cult of personality is more important to them 
> > than the welfare of our country.
> It occurs to me that the reason idiots like Sal,
> do.rkflex, and Barry (Vaj soon to chime in, no
> doubt) are accusing us of criticizing Obama only
> out of unhappiness that Hillary lost, and
> claiming that we wouldn't be criticizing Hillary
> if she had won, is because *that's how they'd be
> behaving* if the situation were reversed. They're
> already demonstrating it with Obama.
> They're just very shallow people. Basically, they
> can't walk and chew gum at the same time, politically
> speaking. If their candidate had lost, they wouldn't
> be able to *separate* their disappointment from how
> they view whoever beat him so as to evaluate the
> latter objectively, just as they can't separate their
> glee that Obama won from their evaluation of how he's
> doing.
> Because that's how *they* are, and they don't have
> the imagination to see that it's not the only possible
> way to be, they *assume* that everybody else is just
> like them.
> The way to make all criticism of Obama disappear,
> they think, is to beat up on the critics. They don't
> know enough about the issues to actually engage in a
> discussion and are too lazy to inform themselves.
> That's 50 for me. See youse Friday or Saturday.

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