I have yet to see Judy explain what she'd do as president that wouldn't be 
subject to the gut-wrenching onus of picking of one's battles and doing triage.

Obama has not finished even his second 100 days, and he's being judged for 
having a "failed presidency," because he's not moved forward on several very 
important issues.

Yet, we don't see Judy explaining to anyone how it could be done otherwise when 
one considers the huge momentum that the various forces-arrayed represent.  Try 
to stomp the military industrial complex -- get real.  It'll be a decade long 
steady push that solves that ill -- not some swift Gordian Knot cut.  

Where's your patience, your faith, etc.?  

And note that, if I wanted to, I could really rail against Obama's selling out 
and that our military is still killing and torturing innocents, etc.  Or, say, 
his lack of pushing for single-payer I find to be a bowing to BigPharm and 
BigInsurance, yet I can see that he's dealing with the devil and trying to 
cobble together a health package that doesn't kill these big industries with 
their tens of thousands of employees "overnight."  He's trying to keep people's 
jobs, ya see?

Triage ain't easy, right?

Bush got into office by theft, and I see Judy's issue that Obama manipulated 
the election process, but let's put that aside and deal with the fact that we 
have a good hearted man who is deeply aware of history and who's trying to 
clean up not just Bush's mess but Bill's and many other messes -- including the 
messes of the Dems' many pork barrelings and suck-jobs on the military's cock.  
In fact, Obama may have his sights on changing the country's whole roster of 
mistakes, but he knows he can't just run full speed at such a mass and expect 
it to be moved much.  

Give him more time -- we all bit our tongues and tried to keep the issues of 
Bush on the front burner while we let the issue of his theft of the presidency 
be put aside so that the headlines pertained to issues that mattered now now 
now.  Just so, let's keep the pressure on Obama, but have some fucking faith in 
this guy's intent, will ya?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> Zinger again! Judy, this post and your previous post for Sal was just too 
> easy. You would think the fish in the barrel would at least put up a fight 
> and make things more interesting around here by at least offering a fact 
> based discussion about Obama messing with their civil liberties. Truth be 
> told, not only do they lack the intellectual ability for such a discussion, 
> sadly they lack interest as well. Pity, that. It confirms my suspicion their 
> allegiance to the cult of personality is more important to them than the 
> welfare of our country.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > > >  I'm not here to play fetch-the-answers for your every
> > > > > whine. From what I've read, Obama has given solid,
> > > > > justifiable reasons for the decisions he's made.
> > > > 
> > > > Sure. Like what decisions and what solid reasons are
> > > > you talking about? Let's see links supporting your
> > > > claims and we can have a discussion. 
> > > 
> > > You can find plenty of things to bitch about anyone if
> > > you are motivated primarily by an obnoxious, perpetual
> > > undeniably bitter bias and grudge.
> > 
> > Except that it's OBAMA'S SUPPORTERS TOO who are
> > bitching about what he's doing.
> > 
> > > I'm not here to play fetch-the-answers for your every
> > > whine. From what I've read, Obama has given solid,
> > > justifiable reasons for the decisions he's made.
> > 
> > Apparently do.rkflex has this response on a macro
> > key for whenever he's afraid to participate in an
> > honest discussion. Note that the paragraph above is
> > *exactly* what he said, verbatim, in his earlier
> > post (quoted at the top). Wouldn't you think he'd be
> > embarrassed?
> > 
> > The fact is that do.rkflex has nothing to say, not
> > just in this context but in virtuall any other that
> > comes up here. If he can't cut and paste, he's at a
> > complete loss. And he can't even cut and paste when
> > he's challenged.
> >

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