--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> I meant "Erratic" lurking but "Erotic" had much better headline attention 
> grabbing power!
> Thanks for thinking of me.  I don't want my recent non-posting to seem like a 
> negitive statement on FFL.  I apologize for not giving any explanation for an 
> obvious change in my posting behavior here.  Just dropping out sends the 
> wrong message.
> I have experienced good vibes (even spontaneous kind eulogies) and a 
> fantastic opportunity to write regularly, getting feedback from intelligent 
> people whom I respect here.  FFL has been very useful for developing my 
> thinking on certain topics and has given me much more than I ever 
> contributed.  
> Anyhooo, I had a profound experience in Florence of what the "Renaissance" 
> means to me, a focus on humanity rather than divinity.  Like the artists of 
> that period, my attention is shifting.  Spending time away from my 
> cyber-focused life here in the US made my time priorities change since I have 
> been back.
> Anyone who cares to can contact me by email, I am the easiest person to find 
> on the Web.  I've been getting more from one-one-one emails lately.  Many 
> people here have touched me. (Well not touched-me touched me but you get the 
> idea!) My lurking is too erratic for posting to me here to be effective.
> In direct contradiction to all those who posted out flipping the cyber bird 
> here: this place rocks and I my life is richer for having spent time here. 
> When I'm done with some projects I'm working on now I can reconsider spending 
> time on FFL again.
> Like the best sort of old friends or neighborhood bars, I feel as though I 
> could drop in any time and my favorite drink would be in front of my bar 
> stool in no time.  Cheers!

Man, you are such a nice guy.  No flipping anyone off or anything.  I spend too 
much time on the net so I understand the need to step back.  

I'll miss you.  It is not the same without you. 

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