--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> Robert, You have no moral standing to denounce hatred 
> toward Malia as long as you stoke the fires of hatred 
> toward Sarah Palin or any other woman for that matter. 

This from the sad old woman whose "moral
standing" is based on cruising PUMA sites for
articles to repost to stoke the fires of sad
old woman hatred towards Barack Obama.

That's **OK**, you see, because Obama *deserves*
to be vilified.  :-)

> Don't you see that a sexist, or racist attack whether 
> it is from the left or the right on any female, Malia, 
> Sarah, Hillary, Michelle, any woman, comes from a place 
> of deep hatred of women? 

Whereas her ONGOING reposting of hate articles
about the guy who did nothing more damning than
to point out that her preferred candidate didn't
have the "right stuff" to be considered a real
candidate for President is just FINE. That's OK.

Plus, it's **OK** for sad old wommen to
hate men, because they've been *victimized*,
donchaknow? That makes it **OK** for them to 
whine non-stop about the victimization of women
instead of doing anything productive with their
lives. Accomplishing something would be counter-
productive, because the image of a successful
woman undercuts their constant whines that they
are being *victimized*. Better to be a whiny
victim than to succeed...that's their motto.  :-)

Raunchy, the day you can find some accomplishment
to list in one of your anonymous Internet profiles
other than your sex and age, you have the right to
expect someone to listen to your whines as if you
mattered. Until then, you are just a sad old woman 
with a grudge she can't let go of.

I repeat the thing I've said before, and that you
know to be true. If Hillary Clinton or any *real*
feminist ever met you and felt your whiny "I am
victim, hear me roar" aura, they'd have to take
a shower afterwards. Real feminists **DO** things.
They have no time for whining. You seem to have
nothing but. 

Do you even WORK? Do you even HAVE goals in life,
other than to try to get everyone to focus on
victimhood the way you do? 

"Fill in the blanks" for us a little, Raunch.
Give us one reason WHY we should pay any attention
to you, as you seem so desperate for us to do. What
have you ever DONE that "deserves" our attention
but whine? 

The feminists I know are CEOs of companies. They
have won medals at the Olympics. They are light
and comfortable with their sex and their sexuality
and light and comfortable in the company of men.
They perceive no "threat" from the men around them. 
They perceive no "hatred" from the men around them.

My feminist friends deserve to be listened to when
they speak about what a woman can accomplish. You
do not, because as far as I can tell, you have
never accomplished anything. Neither has your 
sister-in-whining Judy. You just want to rant 
and whine and have people listen to you AS IF
you had accomplished things.

Life doesn't work that way. You are anonymous
whiners on the Internet, while the women who are
working to change the way that wommen are perceived
and treated in the world are busy out in the world
actually doing things. You'll never measure up to
the least of them...

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