--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii_99@> wrote:
> >
> >  (snip)
> > Screw, that Nasty Nazi Whore, Sarah Palin!...
> > 
> > What really concerns me, is the racist feces, that some reich wing blogs, 
> > and other racist, sexist sites, are spewing towards Malia Obama, because 
> > she was where a 'Peace Shirt' in Italy...
> > What a bunch of Nazi Ass-holes...
> > What a bunch of ignorant animals...
> > This is what the Obama's have to govern, these morans?
> > Pitiful, country we live in, with this scum, really sickening to me.
> > 
> > r.g.
> >
> Robert, You have no moral standing to denounce hatred  
When, I feel someone, is stirring up the flames of racism and using her sex, to 
marginalize her competition...
When she stirs up fear and hatred, to the crowds she is speaking to...
When I feel someone is a narcissistic megalomaniac...

Then I feel it is my obligation, with my history, and intuition...
To point that out, so that it may lose the power to manipulate, which it seeks 
to do...

Sarah Palin reminds me of Fascism, in seed form!
I need to remind people of the reality, of who is behind her curtain...
When I see the right wing in this country turning to fascism, then I need to 
make people aware of how this fearful propaganda works...
And, right now...those forces are rearing their ugly head(s) again...

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