WillyTex , the FFL village idiot wrote:
> Do not take the advice of the Bharat Two, the Vajra
> Dot, or any advice from the Turq Bee, or the Dork
> Flex.
> They do not have any idea of good dhmo, punk or
> pan. Apparently, they are not pundits, they are not
> siddhas, they are not yogins, or naths, they are
> obvious TMer impostors.
I had pan in India, bub.  In Varanasi and in southern Kerala.  What 
about you?   Guess I might have some idea what pan is.  And actually 
there have been some pan products sold in boxes that have leaves in them 
you can get at the Indian grocery.  I'm not talking about those little 
packets which are mainly the nut cut up with herbs.  Take a look the 
next time you are at the local Indian grocery (if you have one).  They 
are often right there at the register.

As for incense it depends on what you buy at the Indian grocery.  There 
are some excellent brands that be bought there.  For a while and I don't 
think it is still true there was a sandalwood shortage that might have 
led to some bad incense but if you knew what brand to look for it wasn't 
a problem.  It also helps to become friends with the grocer too.

I don't know about Vaj but we know that Turq, flex and myself all were 
TM teachers.  What about you?
> Bharat Two on betel and punk; Vaj Dot on naps;
> Dork Flex on dhmo; Turq Bee on camphor fumes:
> "Indians grow the trees here in the US and share the
> leaves..."
> "Don't worry, TM is still a wonderful form of power
> napping..."
> "I don't know who your initiator was, but he or she
> was burning styrofoam cup bits instead of camphor..."
> "You really fucked up on this post of yours, Delia..."
> LOL!!!
> Read more:
> "Everyone knows that the mundane joss sticks found
> in most Indian grocery stores is pure punk, not worth
> a penny..."

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