Rick Archer wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of WillyTex
> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 2:15 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Drug-Dependent Pundits Riot
>> Smoking is not allowed anywhere in Vedic City.
> Rick Archer wrote:
>> Of course it's not allowed, which is why they
>> check the incoming pundits' luggage. But some
>> of them do it anyway if they can get away with
>> it. Tobacco, not betel leaves, which they chew.
> You still don't get it - the betel leaves are
> wrapped up with the tobacco leaf inside, and
> then chewed. The pundits do not smoke the
> tobacco, they chew it along with the betel leaf.
> OK, I understand now. I didn't know that.
Right before I left India in early 1997 there was a news report on 
Indian TV about doctors treating patients who had purchased pan with 
tobacco and were coming down with throat cancers.  Much of this was the 
packet pan product though I've never seen any available in the US that 
had tobacco in it.  Indians love their stimulants be it chili, betel 
leaves, teas or tobacco.

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