> > A bit like Satyendra Nath Bose was "ripped into pieces"?  :D
> >
> Oddly enough, the major purpose of the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland 
> is to find the Higgs boson, a particle named for SN Bose who theoretically 
> proposed it.
Clarification:- "Bosons" are named after Bose. The hypothetical Higgs Boson is 
named after Peter Higgs who proposed it. Bosons are well known, the Higgs Boson 
has not yet been discovered.

The idea that the LHC was built to find the Higgs may be the way the thing is 
presented to the public, but it's not the way it's seen amongst scientists. If 
the LHC doesn't find the Higgs then that would be bigger discovery than finding 
it because that would falsify a larger number of theories than finding it and 
therefore provide more information.  

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