--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6...@...> wrote:
> Not only stuff she has said, but is DNC propagated. "All these town hall 
> meetings are organized by the Insurance companies and the Republican party".  

Apparently you didn't carefully watch her report here: 

Corporate thuggery behind anti-health care 'activists

Rachel exposes the right wing corporate organizers behind the thuggery at 
health care town halls.

"This is how Corporate America creates the illusion of a 'grass roots' movement 
to support their own interests."

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xlqxSRhARU

They say this because this is how *community organizers* do it! THAT is your 
astro turf. They can not beleive the masses reject their ideas  and demand they 
stop. I have no doubt that people in the insurance industry and Republicans 
attend these meetings to see what the public sentiment is, but to say that they 
are orchistrating them is pure BS. They couldn't do that if they had months of 
planning. Have you been to any of them? They are every day people, republican, 
democrat and independant that are very concerned about the direction all of 
this is going and they don't like it. They see an over bloated  federal 
government amassing more and more power  over thier lives, that they will have 
to pay for with higher and higher taxes and the loss of their personal 
freedoms. They don't want their
>  retirement pensions made worthless form inflation induced by the printing of 
> money. They  threw Republicans out of power in 2006 because they spent our 
> tax dollars like drunken sailors And they are seeing the same thing, on 
> steroids, out of the current congress. Something very very uggly is brewing 
> out there, fed by the arrogance of those in power and refusing to stop and 
> listen to the people. There will be a blood bath (figuratively) in 2010 and 
> the party in power is going to have a very rude awakening if they don't have 
> a major attitude adjustment....soon.

Like I said: It isn't possible to reason with the remaining 20% dead-ender 
fringe. They're simply not capable of it.

- - With an increasingly fringe GOP, the more moderates who leave the GOP, the 
more conservative and extreme the GOP becomes, and the more the party will pick 
people like Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee in their primaries - people who can't 
win a general election. 


= =

Sen. Voinovich (R-OH) : Southern Republicans are sinking GOP

Republicans have become more rural and less educated 

- - In an interview on Hardball, former Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA) followed up on 
recent comments made by Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH) about how the Republican 
party is losing its appeal. 

Said Davis: "Politics has been defined by culture over the last few cycles, and 
we've become a rural party and a Southern party. We've been losing inner 
suburbs and the like. A lot of this was the policies of the Bush 

Furthermore, as the GOP increased its focus on cultural issues, it also caused 
a widening education gap. 

Davis added: "The high education areas Obama carried -- 78 of the 100 counties 
with the highest education. McCain carried 88 of the 100 counties with the 
lowest education. As we move to cultural politics, that's been the shift." 

Here's the clip: 

= =

~~ The Incredible Shrinking GOP: Only 20 Percent Self-Identify As Republican ~~

= = Earlier this week a Washington Post poll made a big splash because it found 
that only 21 percent self-identify as Republicans. The abysmally low number got 
pundits and reporters talking about whether the GOP is shrinking to the point 
of irrelevance.

Now we have another poll that finds that the number of self-identified
Republicans has dropped even lower: 20 percent.

Here are the key numbers, buried in the internals of the new NBC/WSJ poll:

- Thirteen percent identify themselves as a "strong Republican"; seven percent 
as a "not very strong Republican." Total: Twenty percent.

http://snipurl.com/ov48x [theplumline_whorunsgov_com]

[snip to end]

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