--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of raunchydog
> Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 11:24 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White
> House
> Quoting myself again:
> "There isn't any reason for Obama to have private email addresses to counter
> disinformation."
> To reiterate what Bhairtu just said, they're not trying to collect email
> addresses. They're interested in the content of the emails which are
> spreading lies around the country, so they can put out rebuttals to those
> lies. Your posts fall into that category by claiming that the administration
> is trying to "spy", "collect emails", etc. So either you're misinformed,
> confused, or deliberately trying to do damage, with no concern for truth, as
> are the right wing nutters.

Rick, Should I be concerned you're going to rat me out to the White House? 
Should I censor myself and be careful not to say anything that you don't like 
for fear you will tell Obama? Suppose I send an email to Obama saying that you 
host a racist forum that allows hate speech? Do you see how this works? The 
fact that it is now possible for the first time in history to threaten a fellow 
citizen for disagreeing with the president is intimidation of the worse kind. 
Just the idea that someone might send an email to the Obama accusing you of 
racism, or complaining about health care reform or complaining about Obama's 
request for emails, makes me ask, what the hell has happened to my country? You 
may think asking citizens to report the thoughts and ideas of others is simply 
a benign effort to head off the loudmouths trying to kill health care reform. 
It isn't. Citizen spying always starts innocently in every totalitarian county 
before it creeps into every aspect of daily life. 

I stand on principle. Free speech, freedom to dissent without fear of 
intimidation, works for everyone at both ends of the political spectrum or it 
works for no one at all.

Here's an eyeopening article from the Black Agenda Report that states very 
clearly exactly my concern that key Democrats, including Obama and the 
Republicans don't want a public option for health care reform because the 
insurance industry owns them.

"The White House, blue dog democrats and the blue cross democrats too all 
wanted this thing settled by now.  Their aim was to pass a toothless and 
dishonest bill that would take the issue of health care reform off the table 
without providing health care to the uninsured." 

"The fact is that Democrats, including the president and his allies are deeply 
conflicted. To varying degrees, they are owned by the very interests health 
care reform would threaten. The act would be transparently obvious to everyone, 
but for a deceitful corporate media which allow not the slightest hint that any 
sane or responsible person has a point of view to the left of the 
administration." [N.B. raunchydog is left of the president.]

"The most salient fact of the health care battle not covered in the corporate 
media is that two thirds or more of Americans do favor a single payer or 
Medicare For All health care system that covers everyone.  This view is of 
course completely shut out of TV, radio and print coverage, leading Americans 
to believe that their own beliefs are somehow extreme and isolated and not 
shared. But it's not. Congress knows, the White House knows, Big Insurance, Big 
Health Care and Big Pharma all know that single payer is ordinary, majoritarian 
American wisdom."
Read more:

P.S. Rick, you have a pretty high tolerance for lies on this forum, but here I 
have presented my honest point of view, in defense of free speech no less, and 
because you think it's O.K. for Obama to ask for fishy emails and quash free 
speech, and I consider it a threat to free speech, you choose to single me out 
and call me a liar. You are doing exactly what Obama hopes you will, blindly 
trust him and do his bidding, intimidating fellow citizens from your elitist, 
holier than thou POV. If you believe Obama does it (whatever "it" is) it's 
O.K., then you must have trusted the famously delusional Richard Nixon, when he 
said, "If the president does it, that means it's not illegal." For all your 
tolerance of "free speech" on this form, your post singling me out, only show 
what a hypocrite you are.



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