--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > But the fascinating one lately is Raunchydog, a sup-
> > > > posed liberal who has been manipulated into believing 
> > > > and repeating *exactly the same propaganda* by appeal-
> > > > ing not to her sense of fear but to her attachment to 
> > > > being a victim and to her hatred of Obama -- a hatred 
> > > > she developed for no reason than that he proved that 
> > > > the woman Raunchy had a crush on wasn't qualified to 
> > > > be president. Being manipulated by those who prey on
> > > > your fear is almost normal these days in America, but
> > > > being manipulated by those who prey on your insane
> > > > desire for *revenge*? That would be scary if the 
> > > > person being manipulated were ignorant trailer trash.
> > > > But when the person being manipulated is a 30-year
> > > > TMer *acting* like ignorant trailer trash? *Really*
> > > > scary.
> > > 
> > > Notice that Barry has no proof of manipulation, quotes me 
> > > or offers specifics about the nature of "exactly the same 
> > > propaganda" I allegedly repeat, BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST. 
> > 
> > Au contraire. You are promoting *exactly* the 
> > same "Obama is trying to recruit people into
> > spying for him and supplying him with the email
> > addresses" meme that the right wing is spouting.
> > 
> > What is fascinating is that you don't seem to
> > realize that it's the same meme, and that it 
> > came from the same place, the same Republicunt
> > thinktank that thought it up and then sent it
> > out to the rightwing nutbag bloggers and to 
> > the leftwing nutbag Hillarybot bloggers, know-
> > ing that they'd all jump on it like white on
> > rice and then broadcast it to their audience.
> > 
> > What is hilarious is that you still believe
> > yourself a liberal **AS** you parrot the Repub-
> > licunt memes.
> >
> I concur that Ms Dog's motivation is her blind hatred for Obama because her 
> "Champion" Hillary was defeated by him. She'll even justify her agreement 
> with the distorted claims of the wingnuts to be able to demean the one who 
> 'done her woman wrong.'

Quoting myself again:

"There isn't any reason for Obama to have private email addresses to counter 
disinformation. Homeland Security and the FBI can easily find out whats 
happening on the internet and Axelrod knows exactly how to counter as well as 
spread disinformation. Citizen ratting on each only creates a climate of 
paranoia, inflames the opposition, suppresses free speech and ensures the 
necessity of a compromise on health care which will nix the public option." RD

"Who decides what is "fishy"? I don't agree with right wing opposition to 
health care and I don't believe the Democrats should do anything to torpedo the 
public option, which I believe the fishy email request will do. Obama has 
absolutely no business suppressing free speech. Only in totalitarian 
governments do citizens spy on citizens." RD

It's a fact that the request for "fishy emails" came from the White House. It 
is not a rightwing meme. Your inability to see anything wrong with ANYONE in 
government asking citizens to "report fishy" emails isn't fishy encroachment on 
YOUR first amendment rights. Just imagine the howling you would do if Bush 
asked for emails for people protesting the Iraq War. If Hillary were pulling 
this same shit, I would object to it as well. This is not a matter of partisan 
grandstanding on my part. It is a matter of standing up for what is right and 
objecting when the government ANY government, Bush, Obama, Hillary, ANYONE 
seeks to intimidate people exercising their right to free speech. If you don't 
hold your government to account, no matter who is in power, count yourself 
among the Sheeple. 

I support a health care bill WITH a public option. IMO this tactic only lessens 
the chance of that happening.

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