--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation" <seekliberat...@...> 
> I hate to seem like the pessimist on so many issues,
> but I wouldn`t get my hopes up that Obama is any kind
> of saviour.  Our country has been controlled more by
> underground and behind the scenes organizations for
> decades now.  The president is more of a political
> figure head.  My personal belief is that Obama is just
> another President.  He is going along with the same
> war plan that Bush implemented, and he is also
> increasing operations in Pakistan/Waziristan, which
> will open up a huge can of worms if that breaks out
> into total war.  He is the extreme opposite of Bush,
> which is what the people will vote for when there is
> an extremely unpopular President (as was the case with
> Johnon>Nixon or Carter>Reagan or Bush>Clinton).   But
> he still follows suit in many ways, but with a liberal
> agenda instead of conservative.  
> IMO Obama's got some good ideas, some of which he will
> be best known for, but overall I doubt these ideas are
> going to turn this country around to the extent most
> people are expecting.

That's an excellent capsule analysis. The main
reason I supported Hillary in the primaries was
that I thought she had a lot clearer idea of what
she'd be up against in terms of entrenched
interests and wouldn't be nearly as easy to push

She might not have had any greater success than
Obama will, but she had a better chance because she
knew what she'd be getting into, and I'd have liked
to see her give it a shot.

Even with Obama, though, if folks are paying
attention (almost certainly too big an "if"), the
fact that he and Bush are just about polar opposites
in terms of their agendas, and yet the results aren't
that different, should make it obvious that, as you
say, it isn't the president who runs the country.

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