Wow, well this is the first time I have heard of many of these claims. Not 
surprising given the many innumerable things I have never heard. But it does 
spark up my interest in these particular ideas, especially about what is said 
in the dead sea scrolls. It is very true it can be interpreted many ways, 
however it is very good for contemplation and to cause one think and excersize 
their cosmic intuition and try out various scenarios for a possible match. I 
was pretty impressed with this statement;
"And now, what a miracle...a black man wins the WH...
Senile Reagan turns in his grave...
Bush receads like the snake he is back to Dallas..
So, now is our chance, this is our time, to work with the forces of good against
the forces of retards, to take:
"Our Country Back!"

mmmmm, just poetic for the simplicity of the statement and the perfect voicing 
of a shared sentiment.
Even though poor Bush really isn't as much a snake as a hapless backwoods 
retard,and a patsy,poor guy.For what I don't know but where 2 + __ = 4 there 
are so many ways it can be interpreted. retard plus president 2 times? Naw the 
missing equation must be 'non retard with evil sceme seeks pliable retard, will 

I mean, yes I vomited a little while accidently hearing snippets of their 
rehearsed meaningless bullshit, I mean speaches, however it is also true reagan 
didn't think he was against the poor and the blacks and "fill in the many 
blanks" with his policies. he just was what he was and to his credit he was 
that in the best of his capacity, he did have honor, but heart honor along with 
mental ideas built on old archetypal systems meant to keep those in power whom 
he felt could and would deal out the best justice to everyone. We voted him in, 
gave him power, its not a dictatorship. We could have fought for something 
better but I think we didn't really know we could or what that was until now. 
But we do know it now, and I sure hope we have moved past our 'let the little 
retard run the country, he sure can wave the flag good' stage and into our, 
"GAWDAM, throw a dart at Europe and any leader there can spell and think, 
actually BETTER then most of their common class citizens, faaaaawwwwkkk, lets 
try that here" stage.

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