Vaj wrote:
> Ah yes, James Austin. Good stuff!
Ah yes, James Austin, the same James Austin
that cites Herbert Benson, who as everyone 
knows, first published the results of TM 
with Keith Wallace. According to Austin,
scientists have mapped the relaxation 
response in TM meditation. Makes one wonder
if all that stuff you said about TM was 

8. Lazar, S, Bush, G, Gollub, R, et al. 
"Functional brain mapping of the relaxation 
response and meditation." NeuroReport 2000; 
11: (7): 1581-1585.

"Meditation is a conscious mental process 
that induces a set of integrated physiologic 
changes termed the relaxation response..." 

'Functional brain mapping of the relaxation 
response and meditation'

Lazar SW, Bush G, Gollub RL, Fricchione GL, 
Khalsa G, Benson H.
PubMed, 10841380, May 2000

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