>From a friend:

Hi Rick

Here's the info on John Douglas.


The website doesn't do him justice.  In his seminars (if you go to  
workshops, you'll get a better idea) he explains the principles and  
procedures much more clearly.  His cd's are expensive but they last a  
life-time:  I play them 24/7.  The location repair clears the home,  
vehicle, hotel room.  and fills the environment with God's light.   
Really.  The Spirit Repair does the major work on restoring balance in  
the entire field of the body:  causal, mental and astral bodies  
included.  Psychological Repair allows us to specify what needs  
fixin.  Douglas recommends we hear these 3 daily.  Then subconscious  
repair cd at least once a week.
Instead of our asking,  the healing is done for us.

This man was chosen before birth to receive some special gifts, as in  
receiving permission from the Lord of Karma to remove karmas from the  
causal body . Douglas explains that the reason why we find people who  
have been meditating and living a very pure life for 25 -30 years  
dying from cancer is due to these karmas stored in the causal body  
awakening.  Remove the karmas, and see what happens.

He is a medical intuitive who can see the prana fluctuations.  This is  
the field that he operates from.  Can work from a distance.  No space/ 
time issue.  He can see micro-organisms growing on cells.

He has cured lyme disease (literally cured), stopped the progression  
of ms,  corrected incorrect diagnoses of autism and schizophrenia,  
finding misalignment of the skull and spine and FIXING it right then  
and there,  helped people with chronic depression to not only feel  
better but come off of medication completely and still feel great; to  
find the source of some severe arthritic conditions to actually be due  
to blood infections and removing the source of the infection right  
then and there.  He has a climate crisis cd for healing the planet;   
and his cd on power development, wow.

Now,  it's not new stuff.  It's just made available in an easy way to  
use.  Yes, absolutely this knowledge is elsewhere:  only here it's  
condensed and available to everyone.

Douglas has no intention of being a guru.  His job is simply to make  
available the healing procedures so that WE can take care of  
ourselves. He travels extensively, coming to the U.S. several times a  
year.  He is expected in Fairfield this September.  Jeanine Fellmer is  
his representative here in Fairfield.

He loves Fairfield and seems to have good rapport with the  
University.  The University and Douglas are engaged in several studies  
to determine Douglas' effectiveness as a healer.
Vaidyas take the pulse before and just after the healing and have no  
choice but to confirm the positive changes.  Occasionally a bit of  
jealousy pops up, but the changes are definitely there. I hear he  
plans to do another study on lupus.

Douglas comes from Australia, so he speaks quite clearly and  

And it's not expensive to attend his seminars::  $250.00 or less for  
the public seminars that take place in the Library.  Last time about  
200 people showed up.  Each seminar lasts about 3 hours and includes a  
healing.  The healing is for everyone at the same time, but it's  
really powerful.

Personally, I was in deep deep depression when my husband lost his  
job.  My husband felt that it was important for me to attend the  
seminars last April, so we forked over the money.  I went from  
depressed, angry and really down to actually happy in just a few  
hours.  I am ok now.  Amazing.  The cd's keep the healing alive and  
well.  Old habits just fall off.  It's glorious to have this  
opportunity to get bad habits fixed, new habits established and  
strength of character, of body and mind regenerated.

That's my story. 

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