When you look at the close up pictures, you distinctly see in the center of the 
circles a "pin prick"; that is, the spot at which the human beings who 
clandestinely made these circles planted the poles which served as the axis 
that was attached to the cord the humans used as they circled the pole, thus 
making the concise circle.

Either that or a giant alien dropped his cookie on the field from the high 
distance of his spaceship because the design definitely looks like the cookies 
that I get at Wal-Mart.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> This formation was  harvested last night at 8pm! 12082009
> 12:12
> This beautiful formation has appeared at Wayland Smithy on this day
> August 12th, The number 12 is significant within this design.
> The revelation came when we counted the outer sections of the pattern,
> and realised the full significance. There is a clear and concise message
> here, as I'm sure it was no coincidence to turn up on the 12th
> August. This important formation with regard to its numerology, not only
> signified that this date was part of the message, but also of the
> overall design. On closer inspection of the design, there is a
> remarkable resemblance to Gothic Architecture, especially Rose Windows,
> seen in many cathedrals from the 13th Century throughout many parts of
> Europe.
> Rose windows utilise geometry on three levels: manifest, hidden, and
> symbolic. The 12 divisions throughout this Crop Circle design that are
> also typically found on Rose Windows all point to the finite and
> infinite, Earth and Heaven, or matter and spirit, and of course the 12
> Disciples.
> Numbers had a metaphysical significance in the 13th Century, which is
> why they incorporated them into the Architecture at the time.  The same
> can also be said for the Crop Circle phenomenon today as this latest
> Wayland Smithy design demonstrates.
> Are we just like the Pilgrims from centuries ago, gazing in wonder and
> raising subconsciously our awareness of the Divine?
>    Stuart Dike  (Presenter of our `CROP CIRCLES – Hidden
> Mysteries' DVD) <http://www.cccvault.com/cccvideos/trailer09c.html>
>   <http://www.cccvault.com/cccvideos/trailer09c.html>
> <http://www.cccvault.com/cccvideos/trailer09c.html>
> Images John Montgomery Copyright 2009
>   <http://www.thecropcircleshop.com/>
> Make a donation to keep the web site alive... Thank you
>   <http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2009/waylandsmithy3/P1060254b.jpg>
> <http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2009/waylandsmithy3/P1060258b.jpg>
> <http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2009/waylandsmithy3/P1060251b.jpg>  
> <http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2009/waylandsmithy3/P1060253b.jpg>
> Click thumbnails to enlarge
> Image Chris Bird Copyright 2009

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