--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcgurk@> wrote:
> >
> > When you look at the close up pictures, you distinctly see in the center of 
> > the circles a "pin prick"; that is, the spot at which the human beings who 
> > clandestinely made these circles planted the poles which served as the axis 
> > that was attached to the cord the humans used as they circled the pole, 
> > thus making the concise circle.
> Right. To make this exclusive garden in the dead of the night during 8 hours, 
> how many workers would you need - 500 people ? 
> Without being photographed or filmed in the making amongst the crowds of 
> thousands of crop circle enthusiasts ?
> Sure !

Go to youtube and do a search on "how to make a crop circle".

Look, just because it's humans that make the crop circles you like so much, 
Nabby, doesn't make them any less appealing.  Are you suggesting that if human 
beings from planet Earth made the crop circles that they are any less 
significant than if aliens from another planet did?

Why are you favouring beings from other planets over humans?

Do you think they are BETTER than us?

Indeed, I accuse  you of being a "Planetist"; that is, one who discriminates on 
the basis of planet of origin.  And what makes it worse is that you are 
discriminating against your own kind: human beings!

We've all heard of "Oreos": African-Americans who act "black" on the outside 
but are "white" on the inside.

Well, you, Nabby, are a "Durian": on the outside you look like a normal 
breadfruit but on the inside you stink and are quite foreign looking and smelly.

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