> TurquoiseB wrote:
> > There is no Reality here... 
> >
Bhairitu wrote:
> How, pray tell, would one express "Reality" on a text 
> forum? You can't. It can only express "realities"...
So, you're thinking there are multiple "realities"? And
you're thinking that "Reality" can't be expressed on a
text forum? Have you actually thought this through? 

If there is only one Reality, then how could there be
multiple Realities? So, you're thinking that reality
is an appearance, not real, just illusions? That the
world is unreal? This is not Reality?

Are you sure about this? It just doesn't sound logical.
It doesn't sound logical that the things I see and
experience aren't real. It defies logic how Reality
could be many realities, all at the same time,  and 
none of them real. 

Did you two make this up, or what? Are you guys just 
joking around - and in reality you have no idea what 
you're talking about?

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Pocket Books, 1991

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