--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation" <seekliberat...@...> 
> > According to a thoroughly documented book on Kennedy [JFK and the 
> > Unspeakable], he was in the process of -ending- any military involvement in 
> > Viet Nam when he was murdered.
> >
> Too bad Lyndon Johnson took over.  I guess he and Kennedy didn't exactly see 
> eye to eye.   

>From the book review:

"Lyndon Johnson, the CIA's ally, assumed the presidency. He cancelled talks 
with Khrushchev and refused Castro's pleas to continue the dialogue. He 
reversed JFK's withdrawal plan from Vietnam as well as his plan to neutralize 
Laos. The military industrial complex took control of the country. The policy 
of plausible deniability led the way to assassinations of foreign leaders, the 
overthrowing of foreign governments and horrors committed all over the globe.

If JFK had not been murdered, we would not have had the prolongation of the 
Cold War, the Vietnam War, Watergate, the purported War on Terror and the 
steady moral deterioration of America. Interestingly, one month after JFK's 
assassination, President Truman wrote an article for The Washington Post 
cautioning about the threat of the CIA taking over America.

The author meticulously examines the evidence and draws conclusions which ring 
with unassailable truth..."

--You can read the whole review here:

> Overall, there is no political party in America that can be thought of as 
> being peaceful.  WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam were all started under 
> Democrat Presidents.  Bill Clinton has Somalia, Kosovo, Bosnia, and 
> Afghanistan on his resume.  
> I wasn't exactly a big fan of GWB, but I don't see war as a 
> republican/conservative policy, it is more an 'American' policy.  Even Obama 
> is stirring up things in Pakistan and Waziristan, a region where Bush didn't 
> have the balls to go into.  
> seekliberation

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