--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation" <seekliberation@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > > According to a thoroughly documented book on Kennedy [JFK and the 
> > > Unspeakable], he was in the process of -ending- any military involvement 
> > > in Viet Nam when he was murdered.
> > >
> > Too bad Lyndon Johnson took over.  I guess he and Kennedy didn't exactly 
> > see eye to eye.   
> From the book review:

The do.rkflex meant to write, "From one of 66 reader
reviews on Amazon." There are no editorial reviews
from established publications, although the book has
been out since April, which tells you something.

Here's an excerpt from another reader review:

"Of course there were many powerful individuals and
organizations who stood to benefit from harder stance
on the perceived communist threat of the time, but is
there evidence to suggest that Kennedy was removed
from office by a conspiracy that originated in the
highest level of office. James Douglass thinks so - 
and why wouldn't he? He places JFK on a pedestal,
lures the reader in to share his sentimentality on
"what might have been" and in doing so cleverly dupes
the reader into believing that such a great man could
surely not have been killed by some deranged 24 year
old nut case called Lee Harvey Oswald."

The reviewer goes on at some length to demolish a good
bit of the author's "thorough documentation."

Another negative review, from a strong Warren
Commission skeptic, states, "No critical mind familiar
with the assassination literature could possibly regard
this book as a contribution." This reviewer also calls
a hunk of the "thorough documentation" into serious

And one of the commenters on the review the do.rkflex
quotes observes:

"The last four or five Kennedy assassination books I've
read respectively, comprehensively, and painstakingly
proved that the CIA did it, Castro did it, the Mob did
it, French drug dealers and right-wingers did it, etc.
One book even "proved" pretty convincingly that the last
shot was accidentally fired by a Secret Service agent.
Oh, yet another had extraordinary evidence linking
Oswald and Ruby to covert bio-weapons research and the
creation of the AIDS virus."

I haven't read the book and don't have an opinion one
way or the other (although I'm also a Warren Commission
skeptic). I just wanted to point out the absurdity--and
deliberate attempt to mislead--of the do.rkflex quoting
from an Amazon reader review of the book and calling it
"THE review," as if it were definitive, as if there could
be no other opinions.

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