> > Usually when we practice TM we're always allowing escape. As you go  
> > down and you come back out we're taught to just let it be natural.  
> > That's good, but that's why Karunamai said it's baby meditation.
> Why did Karunamai call TM "baby meditation", because it's for people  
> at a low developmental stage or because it's a "baby or intro kind of  
> technique"?

Context is everything to that content.  First that she is highly respectful of 
what has gone on and is going on here in FF as a spiritual practice place.  
More than just utopian ideas or some philosophy she always is highly respectful 
of what Maharishi brought to the West from Adi Shankara.  As she comes around 
in visitimg she cheers people on as a mother would in their spiritual practice. 
 Cheers people on in their discipline to deepen their practices to spiritual 
end.  Cheers and implores also folks to continue and deepen meditation even as 
they may also despair in spiritual practice.  (Look at the dome numbers over 
the years, there has been some of that despair in the community also over the 
years too.)  But beyond that, like even Maharishi had wanted originally, she 
urges to do and sit with long meditations.  And then also to the neo-Advaitin 
pathless-path non-meditators she notes, "even the enlightened continue to 
meditate", as a come-back invitation to sitting and deepening what is inside 
even advaitins.  Urges even to go under some arrogances of spirituality in 
some.  So in what you ask it is both, at the same time in context.  

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