Vaj wrote:
> On Oct 6, 2009, at 6:23 PM, yifuxero wrote:
>> Right...the 3-rd eye chakra is the beginning point for progress in 
>> the Sant Mat Tradition; (although generally the goal appears to be a 
>> form of GC rather than Unity, judging by the lectures of Kirpal Singh).
> Most yogis wouldn't buy into the God Consciousness (God-con or GC) 
> myth that MMY proposed. The bhagavata-darshana in reality is one and 
> the same as those hari krishnas many of us saw in airports and on 
> street-corners blissing out to their mantra and their kirtans, enrapt 
> and superficially rather loving. But really more loving to those of 
> their own hive-mind. Those outside the hive-mind? Less so. Those who 
> had physical sex? They considered them animals.
> The makara-bindu, the place where Patanjali-style samadhi begins--to 
> be more technically correct--is part of the upper third eye. It's the 
> edge beyond the initial rapture of the three rivers (at the "third 
> eye"), where karma or past imprints begin to be zeroed out (as in hard 
> disk erasing).
> And a fresh and new human OS begins.
> Well metaphorically anyways...

Can you see the third eye?  That is how some of my mentors mentioned how 
one could identify whether one was down the road of enlightenment (never 
mind just where).

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