& no comparable scientific type research of spirituality of Islamic Prayer?
Five times a day by half the world and there is not research on that spiritual 
practice to compare with the others?  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> The graph Vaj references, which he has previously posted, doesn't prove
> superiority of one meditation technique over another as he would have us
> believe. It is just one tiny part of a larger study he neglects to link
> to (at least I've never seen it).
> I found the study he referenced. It was published in June 2007. There
> could be recent research in the works we might hear about in the futue
> that could change the results of their study but so far they conclude:
> "Conclusion: Many uncertainties surround the practice of meditation.
> Scientific research on meditation practices does not appear to have a
> common                 theoretical perspective and is characterized by
> poor methodological quality. Firm                 conclusions on the
> effects of meditation practices in healthcare cannot be drawn
> based on the available evidence. Future research on meditation practices
> must be                 more rigorous in the design and execution of
> studies and in the analysis and                 reporting of results."
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=hserta&part=A247554
> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=hserta&part=A247554>
> It's a huge study. It's easy to to take one small portion of it as Vaj
> has done, tout one meditation technique over another and dismiss TM,
> which seems to be his primary mission on FFLife.
>   [Logo of hserta]        NCBI <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/>   »
> Bookshelf <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Books>   »
> Health Services/Technology Assessment Text                              
> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=hstatcollect>  » 
> AHRQ Evidence Reports
> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=hserta>   » 
> Meditation Practices for Health: State of the Research
> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=hserta&part=A247554>
> Table 25
> .
>     Number of outcome measures examined by meditation
> practice
> CategoryPopulationMantra mediation (N)Mindfulness meditation
> (N)Meditation practice (ND) (N)Miscellaneous meditation practices (N)Qi
> Gong (N)Tai Chi (N)Yoga (N)Total (N)Measures per category
> (N)PhysiologicalCardiovascular 196 25 9 ... 27 87 151 495 1,474
> Pulmonary and                                         respiratory 83 14
> 1 ... 14 33 106 251
> Nutritional biochemistry                                         and
> metabolism 76 3 2 2 22 20 110 235
> Endocrine and                                         hormonal 49 10 2
> ... 15 7 42 125
> Brain and nervous                                         system 73 13
> ... ... 7 ... 19 112
> Electrodermal                                         responses 53 8 1
> ... ... ... 10 72
> Muscular 30 2 2 ... ... 6 6 46
> Lymphatic and                                         immunological 5 9
> ... ... 29 1 1 45
> Blood 12 1 1 ... 3 1 10 28
> Thermoregulatory 10 1 1 ... 1 2 7 22
> Skeletal ... ... ... ... ... 12 2 14
> Ocular 6 ... ... ... ... ... 7 13
> Sensory 3 ... ... ... ... ... 5 8
> Renal and excretory ... ... 2 ... 3 1 1 7
> Gastric..................11
> PsychosocialPsychiatric and                                        
> psychological symptoms 231 183 20 13 25 33 140 645 1,204
> Personality 146 66 12 6 8 14 61 313
> Positive psychology                                         outcomes 37
> 37 4 5 ... 4 21 108
> Social and interpersonal                                        
> relationships 26 14 ... ... ... 3 7 50
> Health-related quality of                                         life 3
> 12 2 1 4 10 10 42
> Activities of daily                                         living and
> events impact 8 8 ... 1 1 5 3 26
> Other behavioral7313...1520
> ClinicalPhysical                                         functionality
> 12 7 1 1 8 165 58 252 698
> Clinical events and                                         symptoms
> improvement 33 31 1 3 8 17 61 154
> Nutritional status, body                                        
> composition and weight 22 10 ... ... 7 8 27 74
> Health status and                                         well-being 11
> 23 1 2 3 13 17 70
> Sleep 25 14 2 ... 1 2 11 55
> Pain and pain-related                                         behavior 6
> 20 ... ... 6 11 11 54
> Falls occurrence and                                         related
> behavior ... ... ... ... 1 16 - 17
> Adherence 4 3 ... ... ... 3 2 12
> Mortality 5 ... ... ... 2 ... 1 8
> Longevity2..................2
> Cognitive and neuropsychologicalSensory perceptual and
> motor functions 48 18 3 2 ... 8 24 103 239
> Reasoning and executive                                        
> functions 21 11 5 1 ... ... 2 40
> General functions 17 5 1 1 ... 4 9 37
> Memory 14 3 2 ... ... ... 5 24
> Attention 10 5 ... ... ... ... 7 22
> Language51............713
> Healthcare utilizationMedication use 4 3 ... ... 2 2 19 30 50
> Healthcare utilization and economic outcomes134............320
> Total
> 1321567764119748998936803680
> ND = not described
> Copyright and                         disclaimer
> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/About/disclaimer.html>

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