> > > & no comparable scientific type research of spirituality of Islamic 
> > > Prayer?
> > > Five times a day by half the world and there is not research on that 
> > > spiritual practice to compare with the others?  
> > > 
> > 
> > No comparable has been done on Christian prayer either 
> Well, seems there are comparables in 'Centering Prayer' taught widely now as 
> a spiritual meditation practice by many x-ian denominations.
> No rigor on Muslim prayer that anything is going on?

Would be nice if what they are doing is really spiritual like some these other 
meditations.  Should bring in some muslims on their blankets and hook them up 
the same as these other practices.  Treat them fair in scientific protocol and 
dignity.  Might just help discern what in the world they are doing and the 
consequences there of.

If it is not the same, then evidently they just might want to also learn 
meditation for all the good reasons.

-D in FF  

> >but a bunch of white male conservative idiots on the Hill decided it was 
> >important to put a provision in the healthcare bill requiring that insurers 
> >cover Christian Science prayer treatments the same as they would medical 
> >care. Fortunately, Pelosi stripped it from the House Bill, which she could 
> >have done for the Stupak amendment BTW. 
> > 
> > Members argued it was unconstitutional, since it violated separation of 
> > church and state. These are the same jackasses plus 64 Democrats who threw 
> > women under the bus voting for the Stupid Stupak amendment, which denies 
> > women access to abortion.
> >

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