> > & no comparable scientific type research of spirituality of Islamic Prayer?
> > Five times a day by half the world and there is not research on that 
> > spiritual practice to compare with the others?  
> > 

> No comparable has been done on Christian prayer either 

Well, seems there are comparables in 'Centering Prayer' taught widely now as a 
spiritual meditation practice by many x-ian denominations.

No rigor on Muslim prayer that anything is going on?

Just wondering.

Jai Adi Shankara,
-D in FF

>but a bunch of white male conservative idiots on the Hill decided it was 
>important to put a provision in the healthcare bill requiring that insurers 
>cover Christian Science prayer treatments the same as they would medical care. 
>Fortunately, Pelosi stripped it from the House Bill, which she could have done 
>for the Stupak amendment BTW. 
> Members argued it was unconstitutional, since it violated separation of 
> church and state. These are the same jackasses plus 64 Democrats who threw 
> women under the bus voting for the Stupid Stupak amendment, which denies 
> women access to abortion.

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