--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> > > <snip>
> > > > The TMO is now publishing "research" in UFO journals.
> > > 
> > > No, it isn't. Vaj is lying.
> > 
> > Geez, Judy you caught Vaj in three whopper in a
> > row. Jackpot!
> I *do* not understand the liar's mentality,
> especially that of the casual, reflexive liars
> like Vaj and Barry.

Speaking of Vaj's endless stream of casual lies, I 
came across one by accident the other day when I was 
looking through the archives for something else. 
It's in his post #226539 of August 4, 2009:

"That they have members of the TM Org scouring the 
web has been known for some time. For example, I've 
heard a number of people comment that TM org plants 
and volunteers have for a long time taken control of 
all Wikipedia articles related to TM or the 

While there are TMers who work on editing the TM-
related Wikipedia articles, and it's certainly not 
impossible they've been assigned to do so by the 
TMO, it's also just as likely they're doing so on 
their own hook.

But as I pointed out at the time, that they've 
"taken control" of the editing process is a flat-out 
lie. Anybody can check that for themselves; the 
editing process for every Wikipedia article takes 
place in the Discussion and Talk sections, which you 
can access at the top of the article page. All edits 
are recorded in the History section, likewise 
available at the top of the page.

What you'll find (as I noted in my original response 
to Vaj's post) is extensive and largely cordial 
*interaction* among TMers, neutral parties 
(sometimes including Wikipedia editorial 
administrators), and TM critics as they work on 
hammering out a consensus about an article. It's 
quite impossible for anyone to "take control" of the 
process; it simply wouldn't be permitted.

This is what I had missed the first time around, the 
last sentence of the paragraph quoted above:

"One is even alleged to be a certain editor."

At the time, I thought Vaj meant that one of the 
Wikipedia editorial administrators was alleged to be 
a TMer. I doubt that's the case, but I have no 
knowledge either way, so I didn't comment 

Now I realize I had misread what he was saying. Vaj 
was suggesting that *I*--"a certain editor"--was one 
of the people who had "taken control of" the 
Wikipedia TM-related articles.

In fact, the only person who "alleges" that is Vaj, 
and he has *zero* basis for saying so. His 
allegation is made up out of whole cloth solely for 
the purpose of sliming me.

I have never participated in editing a TM-related 
Wikipedia article (or any other Wikipedia article, 
for that matter, with the exception of a very minor 
bit of copy editing some years ago that I did on 
impulse; I don't even remember what that article was 
about, but it wasn't anything TM-related).

So just one more reflexive, casual, gratuitous lie 
from Vaj to add to the accumulating steaming pile.

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