--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:
> On Nov 22, 2009, at 1:54 PM, do.rflex wrote:
> >> Alright, at the risk of being so labelled, I'm
> >> going to quote from one of Sam Harris' books,
> >> The End of Faith, in which he starts out by describing
> >> a seemingly ordinary day in the life of a seemingly
> >> ordinary young man, as he boards a bus:
> >>
> >> "The young man takes his seat beside a middle-aged couple… smiles.
> >> With the press of a button he destroys himself, the couple at his
> >> side, and twenty others on the bus. The nails, ball bearings, and rat
> >> poison ensure further casualties on the street and in the surrounding
> >> cars. All has gone according to plan.
> >> The young man's parents soon learn of his fate. Although saddened to
> >> have lost a son, they feel tremendous pride at his accomplishment.
> >> They know that he has gone to heaven and prepared the way for them to
> >> follow. He has also sent his victims to hell for eternity. It is a
> >> double victory.
> >>
> >> These are the facts. This is all we know for certain about the young
> >> man…. Why is it so easy, then, so trivially easy—you-could-almost- 
> >> bet-
> >> your-life-on-it easy—to guess the young man's religion?"
> >>
> >>
> >> While the passage is chilling enough, IMO, the real
> >> kicker I think is the second paragraph, in which
> >> his friends, neighbors and even his parents celebrate his final
> >> "victory."
> >>
> >> I suppose you could label Harris a bigot too,
> >> altho he never mentions the young man's religion,
> >> or much of anything else about him,
> >> it being clearly unnecessary.
> >>
> >> I think Vaj has Islam as it is practiced today
> >> in much of the world pinned down, and all
> >> these attempts to label him and discredit
> >> what he's said are pathetic.  Nobody ever
> >> denied there are terrorists in most faiths,
> >> but in no other *today* has it been so
> >> accepted and even glorified.
> >>
> >> Anyway, I thought things were getting a bit
> >> dull this morning and that Vaj might like a
> >> break, so have at it. :)
> >>
> >> Sal
> >>
> >
> > Nobody can tell me that 1.3 billion human beings are predisposed by  
> > their religion to condone what that boy in Harris' story did.
> Of course not all are, flex, just many.
> Still doubtful?  On page 126 he puts up
> the results of a poll he took asking respondents
> in 12 Muslim nations if suicide bombing in defense
> of Islam is ever justified.  The results are
> scary.  In 10 of those countries, an overwhelming
> majority believe that yes, it is justified.  Only
> in Pakistan (where you have a tie) and Turkey
> (with a mere 20% believing it) do you not
> have a majority.  And as Harris points out, even
> if all the countries were as relatively benign as
> Turkey, it would still be a major problem.
> I'm sure you could find fault with the poll, or ask
> how it was conducted, etc.  But it looks pretty
> straightforward to me.
> Sal

I'd like to see that poll, Sal. 

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