On Nov 21, 2009, at 1:27 PM, do.rflex wrote:

> The Old Testament has similar horrendous supposed proclamations and actions 
> from the Jewish God.
> Here's a sample war crimes and atrocities under the 'Laws' of Moses:
> Bible: Numbers 31:1-54 - Under God's direction, Moses' army defeats the 
> Midianites. They kill all the adult males, but take the women and children 
> captive. 
> When Moses learns that they left some live, he angrily says: "Have you saved 
> all the women alive? Kill every male among the little ones, and kill every 
> woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that 
> have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." 
> So they went back and did as Moses (and presumably God) instructed, killing 
> everyone except for the virgins. In this way they got 32,000 virgins -- Wow!
> ===
> Now do you claim that the Jews and the Christians are dangerous terrorists 
> and that Judaism and Christianity aim to slaughter all others.

Not unless that's what they're actually doing. I haven't heard of any 
Christians running planes into skyscrapers while yelling "Jesus is Great" or 
any Jews blowing themselves up in order to kill others and get into heaven.

In the US most Christian terrorism appears in the form of Protest abortion 
clinic violence. Timothy McVey would be another example.

> > It sounds like you need to get familiar with Islamic laws, if any of this 
> > is a surprise to you. Do some research and get back to us. Read the history.
> > 
> Maybe you should get familiar with the laws in Leviticus in the Old Testament 
> Vaj. Then you can proclaim that Jews advocate such things as stoning to death 
> adulterers, disobedient children, those who don't honor the Sabbath and they 
> can sell their daughters into slavery for a good price.

I was already familiar with them, thanks.

I was also aware that Noachide Laws represent the first attempt at human rights 
for everyone.

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