--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> TurquoiseB wrote:
> > I guess one could make a case for arguing being a 
> > form of entertainment. If the one making this case
> > doesn't have a life, that is. :-)
> Don't forget we've got some bullheaded people here who can't 
> seem to discuss issues. It's either their way or the highway.  

That's what I was trying to get at in post #235258.

The very *concept* of compulsive arguing mystifies me. 
It's like shouting to the world, "I HAVE AN EGO." :-)

> On some other groups discussion actually occurs.

Yup. On other forums I participate in, "discussion"
often takes the form of sometimes agreeing, sometimes
disagreeing, but *rarely* descending to the level of
ad hominem. Furthermore, on those forums people are
*creative*, and both willing and able to take a subject
and then springboard off of it into completely new
territory. And in such a way that people want to follow,
and see where this non-sequitur might lead.

That's my idea of "discussion." On FFL -- due I think
to the overinfluence of one compulsive arguer -- the
idea of discussion has degenerated to "Call the other
person names and claim that in doing so you 'won.'"

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