--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> Amazing speech from State Senator Diane Savino from
> Staten Island, urging the New York Senate to vote
> for the gay marriage bill. It lost, but Savino
> makes the case brilliantly, commonsensically, and
> very movingly, with delightfully witty accents:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCFFxidhcy0

Well, that's 7 minutes and 33 seconds that I'll never get back.

If that is what constitutes "brilliant" and "common sense" to you, Judy, and 
you found it "moving" you must have a very low threshold in order to inspire 
you.  You are prime material for jackboot thugs to recruit you into some 
totalitarian movement for implementation of their World Plan or World 

And which "delightful witty accents" are you referring to?  If anything, I 
heard a suggestion of a "toidy-toid street" origin but only slightly and 
nothing to write home about.  Witty?  How about cliche-ish?  Not an original 
thought in there.  Indeed, the usual platitudes weren't even delivered with any 
aplomb whatsoever.

This is what I got out of that silly seven minutes of politically correct 
high-school level tripe: everything that this half-wit Savino said about gay 
marriage could be said about polygamous marriage, incest marriage, and any 
other form of union between consenting adults.  Indeed, you could replace the 
words "gay marriage" in her speech with the words "polygamous marriage" and it 
would make equal sense.

So tell us, Judy: do you support polygamous marriage equally to your support of 
gay marriage?

How about incest marriage?

Gay incest marriage?

Gay polygamous marriage?

Do tell.

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