--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> do.rflex wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >   
> >> Result of temporary Christmas hiring.  Happens every year.  Many will
> >>     
> > be
> >   
> >> laid off in January.
> >>
> >>     
> >
> >
> > The decrease in unemployment numbers has been occurring since January
> > and it certainly isn't all due to "Christmas hiring."
> >
> >        In the strongest employment report since the recession began
> > nearly two years ago, the government said Friday that the nation's
> > employers had all but stopped shedding jobs in November, taking some of
> > the pressure off of President Obama to come up with a wide-ranging jobs
> > creation program.
> > The Labor Department reported that the United States economy lost 11,000
> > jobs in November, and the unemployment rate fell to 10 percent, down
> > from 10.2 percent in October.
> >
> > The government also significantly revised its September and October job
> > loss estimates.
> >
> >
> > September's data was adjusted to show a loss of 139,000 jobs instead
> > of 219,000, and in October 111,000 jobs were lost, instead of 190,000.
> >
> >
> > Even allowing for the November loss, the revisions added 148,000 people
> > to the list of those employed in the United States in November.
> >
> > Though the pace of job loss has been declining since a peak in January,
> > the November number was surprising. Economists had been expecting a
> > turning point to come in the late spring or summer, with employers
> > finally adding workers as a recovery takes hold. The last time the
> > number was so bright was in December 2007, when the economy added
> > 120,000 jobs.
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/05/business/economy/05jobs.html?_r=1&hp
> Come up from Brazil and take a look around.  The government hasn't been 
> reporting accurate unemployment for years.  Many have just given up and 
> don't ask me how they survive.  They don't count people like me who do 
> contracting and move in and out of bust and boom periods.  And what are 
> the new jobs paying?  Probably not the wages some people have been used 
> to earning.  I know there are older folks working a Starbucks who 
> probably had much better paying gigs in the past.  I also suspect my 
> server at the restaurant the other day (notches above what you'd expect) 
> also took the job paying less than what he was earning.
> The Republicans trashed the US Economy and sold our asses to the 
> Chinese.  And I don't expect Obama, who seems to have been part of a 
> secret (or not so) Wall Street coup, to produce miracles.
> And given the report on the coming "ice age" (the one the other day was 
> not the first) we should all be joining you.  In fact when I read the 
> first report from the Pentagon several years ago a song "let's all move 
> down to South America" popped into my head loosely based on that old 
> movie theater snack ad "let's go out to the lobby."  ;-)

I suppose you think that all of the following which has happened since Obama 
took office in January is ALSO lies from the government: 

~~U.S. Enters Recovery as Stimulus Refutes Skeptics~~ 

~~U.S. Economy Gets Lift From Stimulus~~ 
Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125185379218478087.html 

~~Germany, France out of recession~~ 
Guardian [UK]: 

~~Japan Steps out of Recession~~ 
BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/8205072.stm 

~~UK Officially Out of Recession~~ 

~~Across the nation, housing starts are rising~~ 
Journal Sentinal: http://www.jsonline.com/business/53623677.html 

~~Retail sales rose at the swiftest rate in three years in August~~

~~U.S. household wealth up for first time since 2007~~

~~US leading economic index up for fifth month in a row~~

~~Obama loan relief plan hits goal early ~~

~~Obama's mortgage relief program growing ~~

~~Dow passes 10,000 mark on earnings optimism~~first time in a year

~~GDP Grew 3.2 percent as Stimulus Took Hold: U.S. Economy Preview~~

~~Jobs outlook brightens - National Association for Business Economics says 
more U.S. firms are planning to hire and increase investment in the next six 

~~U.S. Goods Orders Rise for Fourth Time in Six Months ~~
Orders for U.S. durable goods rose in September for the fourth time in the past 
six months, a sign factories are helping ring in an economic recovery. 

~~Durable-Goods Orders Tick Up~~
Orders climbed for long-lasting goods during September, the fourth increase in 
six months, while a key gauge of capital spending rose strongly, a favorable 
sign for U.S. manufacturing. 

~~USA Today: Stimulus working, having "significant impact on economy"~~

~~ Economy grows in 3Q, signals end of recession~~
http://news.yahoo.co Economy grows in 3Q, signals end of recession 

~~Productivity at 6-year high, jobless claims fall~~
~~US leading indicators up for seventh month in row~~

~~New Consensus Sees Stimulus Package as Worthy Step~~

~~US Economy: Existing Home Sales Jump 10% as Prices Decline~~

~~Recovery lifting labor market out of worst slump in post-World War II era~~

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