do.rflex wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> do.rflex wrote:
>>> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>> Result of temporary Christmas hiring.  Happens every year.  Many will
>>> be
>>>> laid off in January.
>>> The decrease in unemployment numbers has been occurring since January
>>> and it certainly isn't all due to "Christmas hiring."
>>>        In the strongest employment report since the recession began
>>> nearly two years ago, the government said Friday that the nation's
>>> employers had all but stopped shedding jobs in November, taking some of
>>> the pressure off of President Obama to come up with a wide-ranging jobs
>>> creation program.
>>> The Labor Department reported that the United States economy lost 11,000
>>> jobs in November, and the unemployment rate fell to 10 percent, down
>>> from 10.2 percent in October.
>>> The government also significantly revised its September and October job
>>> loss estimates.
>>> September's data was adjusted to show a loss of 139,000 jobs instead
>>> of 219,000, and in October 111,000 jobs were lost, instead of 190,000.
>>> Even allowing for the November loss, the revisions added 148,000 people
>>> to the list of those employed in the United States in November.
>>> Though the pace of job loss has been declining since a peak in January,
>>> the November number was surprising. Economists had been expecting a
>>> turning point to come in the late spring or summer, with employers
>>> finally adding workers as a recovery takes hold. The last time the
>>> number was so bright was in December 2007, when the economy added
>>> 120,000 jobs.
>> Come up from Brazil and take a look around.  The government hasn't been 
>> reporting accurate unemployment for years.  Many have just given up and 
>> don't ask me how they survive.  They don't count people like me who do 
>> contracting and move in and out of bust and boom periods.  And what are 
>> the new jobs paying?  Probably not the wages some people have been used 
>> to earning.  I know there are older folks working a Starbucks who 
>> probably had much better paying gigs in the past.  I also suspect my 
>> server at the restaurant the other day (notches above what you'd expect) 
>> also took the job paying less than what he was earning.
>> The Republicans trashed the US Economy and sold our asses to the 
>> Chinese.  And I don't expect Obama, who seems to have been part of a 
>> secret (or not so) Wall Street coup, to produce miracles.
>> And given the report on the coming "ice age" (the one the other day was 
>> not the first) we should all be joining you.  In fact when I read the 
>> first report from the Pentagon several years ago a song "let's all move 
>> down to South America" popped into my head loosely based on that old 
>> movie theater snack ad "let's go out to the lobby."  ;-)
> I suppose you think that all of the following which has happened since Obama 
> took office in January is ALSO lies from the government: 
> ~~U.S. Enters Recovery as Stimulus Refutes Skeptics~~ 
> Bloomberg: 
> ~~U.S. Economy Gets Lift From Stimulus~~ 
> Wall Street Journal: 
> ~~Germany, France out of recession~~ 
> Guardian [UK]: 
> ~~Japan Steps out of Recession~~ 
> BBC: 
> ~~UK Officially Out of Recession~~ 
> ~~Across the nation, housing starts are rising~~ 
> Journal Sentinal: 
> ~~Retail sales rose at the swiftest rate in three years in August~~
> ~~U.S. household wealth up for first time since 2007~~
> ~~US leading economic index up for fifth month in a row~~
> ~~Obama loan relief plan hits goal early ~~
> ~~Obama's mortgage relief program growing ~~
> ~~Dow passes 10,000 mark on earnings optimism~~first time in a year
> ~~GDP Grew 3.2 percent as Stimulus Took Hold: U.S. Economy Preview~~
> ~~Jobs outlook brightens - National Association for Business Economics says 
> more U.S. firms are planning to hire and increase investment in the next six 
> months~~~
> ~~U.S. Goods Orders Rise for Fourth Time in Six Months ~~
> Orders for U.S. durable goods rose in September for the fourth time in the 
> past six months, a sign factories are helping ring in an economic recovery. 
> ~~Durable-Goods Orders Tick Up~~
> Orders climbed for long-lasting goods during September, the fourth increase 
> in six months, while a key gauge of capital spending rose strongly, a 
> favorable sign for U.S. manufacturing. 
> ~~USA Today: Stimulus working, having "significant impact on economy"~~
> ~~ Economy grows in 3Q, signals end of recession~~
> Economy grows in 3Q, signals end of recession 
> m/s/ap/20091029/ap_on_bi_go_ec_fi/us_economy
> ~~Productivity at 6-year high, jobless claims fall~~
> ~~US leading indicators up for seventh month in row~~
> ~~New Consensus Sees Stimulus Package as Worthy Step~~
> ~~US Economy: Existing Home Sales Jump 10% as Prices Decline~~
> ~~Recovery lifting labor market out of worst slump in post-World War II era~~

Yes and so does Thom Hartmann.  You can't exactly call Thom a "righty" 
either.    You should also note I just said that the Republicans are 
mainly responsible for the mess and why they let Obama win.  They didn't 
want the bill to be presented to their president.

We have "rightbots" and we sure don't need "leftybots."   So don't be a 
leftybot and think that Obama walks on water.  He is not the "savior in 
chief" which many fools believed he would be. Please look at the sites 
you are linking too.  They're all "establishment" sites who have 
something to gain by selling kool-aid.

The left is supposed to be the thinking man and woman's side not a bunch 
of left kool-aid drinking types.   The other day on another forum I  
jumped on a lefty who was defending  Obama's Afghanistan buildup and I 
told him, "so know that we have the chessboard doesn't mean we should be 
playing the war game."  We need to oppose this buildup which is really 
trying to ready troops for a folly of an incursion into Pakistan at 
India's behest (remember the Indian president's WH visit last week).  
Wanna see terrorist attacks in the US let that happen.  I though the 
speech Obama gave on Tuesday was the best one Dubya ever gave. ;-)

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