--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "fflmod" <ffl...@...> wrote:
> What about on leap years?

On February 29th the CIA pays me overtime, so I 
usually post even more. Sometimes I even dump
on Jesus.  :-)
What's fascinating is that in addition to trot-
ting out the thing about me being tossed out of
the TM movement (which Nabby knows is a lie
because it's been countered on this forum by
no less a personage than Jerry J.), he perceives
what I wrote about Maharishi in this post as 
"against him." It's not. It's simple fact. He
really *has* presented TM as "the best" since
Day One of his teaching. He really *has* taught
all of his TM teachers to do the same thing.
He really *has* provided them with cliche put-
downs to use against any other spiritual trad-
ition when references to them come up in talks.
And Nabby should *know* this, because he still
*uses* those preprogrammed putdowns himself,
on a regular basis. For example, no one else
on this forum has been as hateful towards 
Buddhists and Buddhism as Nabby has, and will
be in the future. He'll see nothing wrong with
doing this, and in fact will think of it as
some kind of "dharma," in which he "protects"
Maharishi and TM and All Things Holy.

I merely pointed out that Maharishi carefully
*trained* his followers to not only preach the
dogma that TM is "the best," he carefully
trained them to put down any other technique
or tradition that was compared to TM. That
does not make him or the people who still do
what he trained them to do unique; there are
many in the spiritual smorgasbord who do the
same thing. What makes the TM variety of these
"we're the bestest" folks unique is that their
training (some would call it brainwashing) was 
so complete that *they don't even know that 
they're doing it*. At this point it's just
pure reaction, a kind of warped "fight or
flight" response to any suggestion that a
form of meditation other than TM might be
either as good or more effective in some ways.

Again, the strength of my position in this 
thread is what I presented it to be. I am not
pushing or recommending (let alone selling)
any spiritual tradition or technique or belief
system as "the best." Nabby is. And so are a
great number of other TMers. And the *most*
fascinating thing about it is that almost
without exception none of these people com-
pulsively pushing TM as "the best" *have 
ever tried anything else*. And then they
have the nerve to say they weren't brain-
washed into doing what they do and saying
what they say. Go figure.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >  
> > > First, and obviously, it came from Maharishi, who proclaimed
> > > TM'.... 
> > 
> > 35 years after this Barry the Turqey was kicked out of the 
> > TM, apparently for security reasons, and ages after he became 
> > a "Buddhist" he  s t i l l  hold grunges towards Maharishi 
> > and is posting against Him a minimum once every day/365 year 
> > after year !
> > 
> > What does that tell you about the quality and of his new "path" ?
> >

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