On Dec 16, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

> First of all, the megafires of recent years are 100% the result of the failed 
> policies of environmentalists, the same people who will have us believe in 
> the religion of Global Warming.
> Those who fill your head with this nonsense thrive on sheeple like you. 
> They're of the same ilk as those who killed millions by lying to them about 
> the effects of tobacco. And there's a certain mindset, of which you are a 
> card-carrying member, who eagerly lap it up.
That's why it's important for intelligent folks like Shemp to put aside any 
preconceptions they might have, and watch video, like the segment I just posted 
a link to, so they can see what's really happening. At about 10 minutes into 
the clip you see exactly what's happening to these old western forests: they're 
literally being burnt to the ground--and not reestablishing themselves. And one 
of the areas mentioned, is right where Shemp lives.

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