Vaj wrote:
> An interesting aside, at the beginning of the previews where you're told to 
> put on your 3D glasses, the theatre I saw it at opened with a 3D advert. by 
> the US Air Force. It was very clearly targeted at kids and teens. The tagline 
> is "It's not science fiction: it's what we do every day; it's the United 
> States Air Force." The hidden tagline is 'if you like video games and Sci-fi, 
> you'll just love killing people with us, you've never have to see the blood. 
> Sign up now!'
> I'm finding all movies for the last several years have cheesy military 
> advertisements in with the previews. This was the first 3D one.

Depends on the theater.  The one nearby doesn't show ads just movie 
trailers.  The CineMark chain OTOH has way too many ads IMO including 
military ads.

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