--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Dec 23, 2009, at 10:57 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> > I went again the other day and watched it on IMAX. The photography  
> > is spectacular. However, I did notice more *barrowing* or  
> > *stealing*, as others might put it, not only from Star Wars and  
> > Dances with Wolves, but also Last of the Mohicans and it's not just  
> > one scene form these films but multiple scenes.
> ...says Rush Limbaugh on finding the new hit, genre-breaking movie  
> AVATAR disses Republico-fascists and their ilk.
> > I can only imagine what could be done using this technology to  
> > bring the Mahabharata and Ramayana to film.
> LOL! Like anyone in America would want to see THAT.

With the amount of violence and action within its chapters, the Mahabharata 
could be a hit.  When I read the Mahabharata, I remember some political 
problems due to some improper relationships...(hint...sex scenes).  There is 
plenty within the book that would be able to keep our little attention spans 


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