--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Two points on this. 
> > > 1. The 30th anniversary was actually last summer. I guess the 
> > > idea just came up.
> > > 2. None of the people mentioned below have actual Doctorate 
> > > degrees.
> > 
> > The idea just came up?
> > 
> > Naw,take a look.  He is trying to save his job and his 
> > relevance in the middle of the TMmovement today.
> That is to say, "maintain his relevance in a
> spiritual movement that has rendered itself
> completely irrelevant." 
> NO ONE CARES about TM or the TM movement
> other than people who are trying to protect
> their images of it and their own self-importance
> within it. It has no effect on society as a 
> whole, and hasn't in decades. And neither have
> they, except in the limited sense that they can
> preserve the illusion of being "big fish in a 
> small pond."
> I find this "celebration" more than a little sad
> not because they're parading a group of non-Ph.D.s
> posing as Ph.D.s as if they were important, but 
> because the *only* thing they can think of *as* 
> important is something they were peripherally 
> involved in 30 years ago. As noted before, you 
> know your best days are behind you when you have 
> to look into the past to find your inspiration.
> > Look who he's invited to be with him while folks like 
> > DLynch, Roth, hagelin and others are out on the road teaching 
> > meditation. It's the old Bevan gang.   While the others are 
> > out doing the work of the modern TMmovement.
> Doug, while on one level I appreciate your desire
> to find Bad Guys in all of this, and find someone
> to blame for the irrelevance of the TM movement,
> it's not Bevan. It's Maharishi. 

Is not my desire.
U r correct evidently about the situation.

Seems more accurately he is a collaborator and co-conspirator.
Closely with Maharishi.
Long time.  Is what it is.

-D in FF  

> *He* priced TM out of the market. *He* made it into
> something that even the rich wouldn't be interested
> in by cross-dressing his fanatical toadies in dresses
> and crowns. *He* rendered a passable and sometimes
> useful technique of meditation unsellable and unmar-
> ketable by associating it with infinite amounts of
> Woo Woo, money-grubbing, dogma, and elitism. *He* 
> allowed or orchestrated most of the shitty things 
> done to TMers and TM teachers who were ostracized 
> for being Off The Program. 
> *Maharishi* brought down the TM movement, not Bevan.
> He *personified* his own teaching about the "tragedy
> of knowledge" and ensured the irrelevance of TM and
> the TM movement by divorcing it from its own roots
> in simple, humble daily meditation, trying to shift
> the emphasis to taking credit for everything good 
> while taking no responsibility for anything bad.
> While I respect your dream that someday the TMO will
> return to its roots and get back to teaching literally
> the only good thing it ever had to offer -- the basic
> TM technique -- it's never going to happen. Those days
> are as lost in the past as the events this "celebration"
> are trying to celebrate.
> The TM movement *cannot* change. It *cannot* revert to
> "better days" because Maharishi himself made that 
> impossible. He was the master of ostracizing and demon-
> izing "outmoded thinking." People were trained to not
> only not cling to Last Year's Big Idea, they were 
> trained to *forget* it ever existed, and focus only
> on This Year's Big Idea. And now that there are no more
> Big Ideas, the most they can focus on is the last Big
> Idea he told them to follow, and the "glorious past."
> With all due respect, that's what you're doing as well.
> You'd like to see a return to these "brighter days," in
> which both TM and the TM movement had some relevance --
> to the world and to you. Not gonna happen. It *cannot*
> because Maharishi carefully made going against his 
> latest Big Ideas the highest crime, punishable by
> excommunication and demonization.
> Don't sign on as a full-time TM teacher when told to?
> You're no longer a TM teacher. Don't do *exactly* what
> Maharishi told you to do when trying to implement one
> of his Big Ideas, ludicrous though it may be? You're
> history. 
> You're history. Anyone who reveres the "good old days"
> is history. You have no place in the "modern TM move-
> ment." Which, if you look at it properly, is probably
> a favor, because the modern TM movement has no place
> in the modern world.
> If you like the idea of teaching basic meditation, go
> out and teach basic meditation and let these holy-ego-
> rollers roll around in their self importance. Don't
> try to blame *them* for still being caught up in trying
> to become the biggest fish in an ever-shrinking pond.
> They were *taught* to do this. Ferchrissakes, Maharishi
> spent his last few days trying to get people to do it
> *more than ever*, pulling a King Lear and pitting Raja
> against Raja to see who would pony up the most money
> to "erect" fuckin' Maharishi Phalluses Of Enlightenment.
> *That* is where wanting to be a big fish in a small pond
> leads one. Maharishi died essentially acting out one of
> the greatest tragedies in human history, King Lear. Do
> you really want to go that route yourself?
> Let the dead go. Let the waters of time carry them away.
> Don't dive down into the muck and try to cling to the
> body. The past is dust. Clinging to it only gets you
> covered with dust yourself. Bevan's not "holding MUM
> hostage." That's ludicrous. MUMers clinging to the past
> is what's holding them hostage.
> Just my two centimes...

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