> > > >
> > > > Two points on this. 
> > > > 1. The 30th anniversary was actually last summer. I guess the 
> > > > idea just came up.
> > > > 2. None of the people mentioned below have actual Doctorate 
> > > > degrees.
> > > 
> > > The idea just came up?
> > > 
> > > Naw,take a look.  He is trying to save his job and his 
> > > relevance in the middle of the TMmovement today.
> > 
> > That is to say, "maintain his relevance in a
> > spiritual movement that has rendered itself
> > completely irrelevant." 
> > 
> > NO ONE CARES about TM or the TM movement
> > other than people who are trying to protect
> > their images of it and their own self-importance
> > within it. It has no effect on society as a 
> > whole, and hasn't in decades. And neither have
> > they, except in the limited sense that they can
> > preserve the illusion of being "big fish in a 
> > small pond."
> > 
> > I find this "celebration" more than a little sad
> > not because they're parading a group of non-Ph.D.s
> > posing as Ph.D.s as if they were important, but 
> > because the *only* thing they can think of *as* 
> > important is something they were peripherally 
> > involved in 30 years ago. As noted before, you 
> > know your best days are behind you when you have 
> > to look into the past to find your inspiration.
> > 
> > > Look who he's invited to be with him while folks like 
> > > DLynch, Roth, hagelin and others are out on the road teaching 
> > > meditation. It's the old Bevan gang.   While the others are 
> > > out doing the work of the modern TMmovement.
> > 
> > Doug, while on one level I appreciate your desire
> > to find Bad Guys in all of this, and find someone
> > to blame for the irrelevance of the TM movement,
> > it's not Bevan. It's Maharishi. 
> >
> Dear 
> Turq,
> Is not my desire.
> However,
> U r correct evidently about the situation.
> Seems more accurately he is a collaborator and co-conspirator.
> Closely with Maharishi.
> Long time.  Is what it is.

Science for the goose is Science for the gander?  Evidently.  Science of 
meditation and then a mighty conflicted science of management at several levels 
by any objective numbers on the other.  Meditation on the one hand and the 
TM.org on the other.  An enormity of good in meditation by the science and a 
consequent  enormity of mismanaged potential in the organization.  The history 
evidently becomes its own indictment by the 'science'.   An indictment of a 
squandered opportunity for enormous good that could simply rise to crime 
against humanity by the significance of their own science.  It is what it is.  
30 years celebration, of integrity?  A culture by what standard of science?  

& the science of  their 'management'?  This list of speakers at this 30 year 
reunion is interesting to examine.  "Known or in a position to have known" is a 
way modern criminal conspiracy indictments read.  In conspiracy cases,  
"Knowing or should have known" as criminal criterion that gets called 
collaborative and co-conspiracy.  Evidently some lot of things have happened & 
evidently because of people letting them happen.  "known or should have known". 

Trustees, credulous donors just along at the celebrations and banquets, or 
trusted collaborators?  Standing by or more than standing by.  'Knowing or in a 
position where they should have known'.  Evidently by modern ethics, what they 
did either way says a lot about criminal character.

> > *He* priced TM out of the market. *He* made it into
> > something that even the rich wouldn't be interested
> > in by cross-dressing his fanatical toadies in dresses
> > and crowns. *He* rendered a passable and sometimes
> > useful technique of meditation unsellable and unmar-
> > ketable by associating it with infinite amounts of
> > Woo Woo, money-grubbing, dogma, and elitism. *He* 
> > allowed or orchestrated most of the shitty things 
> > done to TMers and TM teachers who were ostracized 
> > for being Off The Program. 
> > 
> > *Maharishi* brought down the TM movement, not Bevan.
> > 
> > He *personified* his own teaching about the "tragedy
> > of knowledge" and ensured the irrelevance of TM and
> > the TM movement by divorcing it from its own roots
> > in simple, humble daily meditation, trying to shift
> > the emphasis to taking credit for everything good 
> > while taking no responsibility for anything bad.
> > 
> > While I respect your dream that someday the TMO will
> > return to its roots and get back to teaching literally
> > the only good thing it ever had to offer -- the basic
> > TM technique -- it's never going to happen. Those days
> > are as lost in the past as the events this "celebration"
> > are trying to celebrate.
> > 
> > The TM movement *cannot* change. It *cannot* revert to
> > "better days" because Maharishi himself made that 
> > impossible. He was the master of ostracizing and demon-
> > izing "outmoded thinking." People were trained to not
> > only not cling to Last Year's Big Idea, they were 
> > trained to *forget* it ever existed, and focus only
> > on This Year's Big Idea. And now that there are no more
> > Big Ideas, the most they can focus on is the last Big
> > Idea he told them to follow, and the "glorious past."
> > 
> > With all due respect, that's what you're doing as well.
> > You'd like to see a return to these "brighter days," in
> > which both TM and the TM movement had some relevance --
> > to the world and to you. Not gonna happen. It *cannot*
> > because Maharishi carefully made going against his 
> > latest Big Ideas the highest crime, punishable by
> > excommunication and demonization.
> > 
> > Don't sign on as a full-time TM teacher when told to?
> > You're no longer a TM teacher. Don't do *exactly* what
> > Maharishi told you to do when trying to implement one
> > of his Big Ideas, ludicrous though it may be? You're
> > history. 
> > 
> > You're history. Anyone who reveres the "good old days"
> > is history. You have no place in the "modern TM move-
> > ment." Which, if you look at it properly, is probably
> > a favor, because the modern TM movement has no place
> > in the modern world.
> > 
> > If you like the idea of teaching basic meditation, go
> > out and teach basic meditation and let these holy-ego-
> > rollers roll around in their self importance. Don't
> > try to blame *them* for still being caught up in trying
> > to become the biggest fish in an ever-shrinking pond.
> > They were *taught* to do this. Ferchrissakes, Maharishi
> > spent his last few days trying to get people to do it
> > *more than ever*, pulling a King Lear and pitting Raja
> > against Raja to see who would pony up the most money
> > to "erect" fuckin' Maharishi Phalluses Of Enlightenment.
> > 
> > *That* is where wanting to be a big fish in a small pond
> > leads one. Maharishi died essentially acting out one of
> > the greatest tragedies in human history, King Lear. Do
> > you really want to go that route yourself?
> > 
> > Let the dead go. Let the waters of time carry them away.
> > Don't dive down into the muck and try to cling to the
> > body. The past is dust. Clinging to it only gets you
> > covered with dust yourself. Bevan's not "holding MUM
> > hostage." That's ludicrous. MUMers clinging to the past
> > is what's holding them hostage.
> > 
> > Just my two centimes...
> >

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